Issue 145

September 2016

Bring boring water to life by infusing your H2O with fresh and natural ingredients

Drinking gallons of water is vital to get you through a fight camp. But for many fighters the endless aqua intake is one of the worst parts of training. It’s a relentless chore, but it has to be done to make sure you’re properly hydrated for countless hours in the gym and your body is prepared for a weight cut. But there is a way to make things more palatable.

With a basket full and fruit and veg and a little forward planning, there really is no excuse for not drinking enough water because you’re bored of the taste. A little simple science behind the following recipes means you can easily create concoctions with better flavors and many benefits for your body.

FO invited personal trainer and boxing coach Scottie Hamilton to give us his favorite tips for adding flavor and nutritional power to your daily quota of H2O. “Infused waters are good for detoxification, energy and hydration,” he says. “Put as much fruit in water as you like and let the water sit for at least 30 minutes before drinking, or better yet leave them to chill overnight. Just remember to drink it within 48 hours.”

Seven sparring partners for water

1. Green tea, mint & lime

Benefits: aids digestion, fat burning, congestion and headaches, helps your body KO fat.

2. Strawberry & kiwi 

Benefits: aids cardiovascular health, regulates blood sugar and strengthens your immune system.

3. Cucumber, lime & lemon

Benefits: helps keep bloating and appetite in check as well as making digestion easier.

4. Cinnamon rhubarb & apple 

Benefits: enhances bone health, boosts metabolism and bolsters blood clotting to stop excess bleeding.

5. Mint & pineapple

Benefits: helps reduce muscle inflammation, fights joint pain, battles arthritis and aids digestion.

6. Lemon, lime & orange

Benefits: lots of vitamin C to strengthen your immune system and reduces the risk of heartburn. 

7. Orange, lemon & ginger

Benefits: helps circulation, aids digestion and it also helps to boosts your immune system.

Citric assist

Fruits like lemons, limes, oranges and grapefruits contain fibers and nutrients that help your body deal fat a knockout blow.


Slice ingredients into bite-sized pieces.

Place them in a 35oz container and fill with ice to the rim.

Fill the container with water until and seal with a lid. 

 Leave in the refrigerator for at least 30 minutes to infuse your water with flavor.
