Issue 167
May 2018
Grab a baseball bat grip to get up and swing the fight in your favor.
MMA’s most in-demand coach, Greg Jackson, demonstrates the best techniques for the cage, aided by UFC bantamweight, John Dodson.
1 - With John in his guard, controlling his arms, Greg elevates his hips to create some space and give himself room to work.
2 - Greg threads his right arm underneath John’s left so he can reach over to the other side.
3 - Using both of his hands, Greg takes a strong two-on-one grip on John’s left wrist.
4 - Thanks to that baseball bat grip, Greg can move John’s arm up and move his left foot onto the hip.
5 - Greg elevates his hips again, which gives him the leverage to cross John’s arm to the other side.
6 - Using his foot on John’s thigh for leverage, Greg slides onto his shoulder to begin turning away from guard.
7 - Greg extracts his right leg and puts it through the gap so he can come up onto all fours.
8 - Now Greg can relinquish control with both hands and move to take John’s back or strike from a dominant position.
This technique is useful against grapplers with a strength advantage where you might struggle to move them.
Maintain your grip in step six and keep it dragged to one side to stop your opponent recovering position.
Make your opponent as uncomfortable as you can in your guard by using forceful grips and foot positions on them.