Issue 187
November -0001
Is BMF legit?; celebrity belt presenters; Tyson Fury’s chances in MMA; Logan Paul – serious boxer?; and odd things in the corner, from four top pros
The Fighters

1 Jorge Masvidal and Nate Diaz just fought for the inaugural BMF championship. Do you think this title is legit or a complete joke?
A I think it may be great in the USA because that’s the way they promote fight but not here in Asia. I think they are becoming more and more like the WWE version of MMA.
A I think the actual title is a joke but just like everyone else, I was excited for the fight
A I think giving it the name of ‘BMF’ is to sell tickets. And getting a celebrity to hand it over even more so. The UFC is doing what it has to to keep MMA relevant . . . not a spectacle. It’s really an interim title. Masvidal should now fight Usman for the title.
A It’s a joke, as cool and funny as it was, and pretty much proves that the UFC is going the WWE route. I’m fine with it because whatever generates interest in turn generates revenue and the more the UFC makes, the more we as fighters make.
2 The Rock was very involved in the BMF fight, even wrapping the belt around Masvidal after the fight. What celebrity would you want to wrap gold around your waist after a victory?
A I think the celebrity I would want to wrap the belt around my waist is Sylvester Stallone.
A I think Mike Tyson should have been the one to present the belt.
A Scarlett Johansson! She is one of the most beautiful celebs out there. When i fought, the sport wasn’t as mainstream as now. I guess The Rock would’ve been cool, too. He’s a good human being and I’m sure just being seen with him could boost one’s fan ratings.
A The Rock or Will Smith, two of my favorite people.
3 Boxing champion, Tyson Fury has made it known that he is considering a transition to MMA. Is this a good or bad idea for the champ?
A It may be good for him as long as he trained MMA before competing in an MMA bout because he is a world champion in boxing and can use it in MMA .
A I think he could have some success against the right opponents, but will ultimately fail against a well-rounded fighter like Stipe or DC.
A I remember him doing it the first time. I called him out, too. I’m sure he saw but was too scared to fight me. He’d have to train to fight properly before he does or he would lose his boxing fans.
A Good idea. I think the way he stands and moves leave him susceptible to leg kicks and take downs. However, he’s already reached his ceiling for boxing, so if he wants to switch I say go for it.
4 Internet star, Logan Paul is attempting to make a serious run in combat sports. Do you think he has a shot at being legitimate?
A I’ve watched his amateur boxing fights and I think he can fight. Give him maybe two more years to train and get more experience and he can become a name in the boxing world.
A I’m not familiar with him but if he puts in the right amount of time, why not?
A I’ve had to look this clown up. A YouTube star? I saw a boxing match and he should stick to boxing. The MMA gloves are smaller. There’s no headgear in MMA. I think one hard shot in the nose and he would quit!
A No, he’s too far behind the curve. He’s also delusional. It would take him two years minimum to become even noteworthy but he cares more about the spectacle and appearance of being a “boxer” more than actually being good.
5 A lot was made of Greg Hardy’s use of an inhaler between rounds during a fight. What’s the most interesting thing you’ve seen in a corner between rounds?Banario
A I can’t say bad things about him but he shouldn’t do that if he is an honest and real martial artist.
A I thought it was strange when Chris Wade’s opponent’s corner spat on his fighter in between rounds when I was cornering Chris.
A Is he asthmatic? I think the ruling is right. Use the pump before you walk out and after the fight. Not during! Guys having a beer! That’s the sort of thing that would happen in a small event. I did like Paige VanZant’s burp between rounds. (Laughs)
A Yoel Romero’s corner during the Kennedy fight, I think. It bought him all kinds of extra time. Might not have beaten Kennedy but it was definitely something by Romero’s corner.