Issue 145

September 2016

Flip your opponent over into a submission position with a modified juji gatame cross armlock

Jimmy Pedro Jr

The US Olympic coach and 6th degree black belt shows you, along with Aaron Kunuhiro, judo techniques that work for MMA

1 - Jimmy gets Aaron off-balance by putting his right foot on the inside of his right thigh.

2 - Reaching across Aaron’s body, Jimmy takes an underhook and puts his right hand on the mat.

3 - Jimmy puts his head on the mat, grabs Aaron’s wrist with his right hand and uses his left hand to grab his own right wrist.

4 - By pushing his left knee back, Jimmy moves Aaron’s head and creates space to slide his foot under his head.

5 - Jimmy stretches Aaron’s arm by pulling hard through the joint.

6 - Aaron’s crotch gets elevated as Jimmy sits down hard on his left leg.

7 - Jimmy then drives off his bottom leg to flip Aaron over.

8 - Finally, Jimmy attacks Aaron’s wrist to apply the armbar.



You can push your opponent’s head with your left hand as you bring it through (step 3) to create more space for your leg in the next step. 


Attack the wrist with your forearm to isolate your opponent’s arm, then attack the hand to finish the armbar.


Your attack should flow without pausing so your opponent has the least chance to defend it.
