Issue 145

September 2016

A quick counter attack could be your most effective offense

Rafael Cordeiro

World MMA Awards ‘Coach of the Year’ from Kings MMA in California, teaches you masterful Muay Thai with Fernando Bettega

1 - Fernando throws a hook from orthodox stance, which Rafael blocks with his left arm.

2 - Rafael reacts immediately by extending his right hand and grabbing Fernando’s neck.

3 - Rafael pushes his hips forward to launch a right knee at Fernando’s body.

4 - By landing back in his stance, Rafael is in the best position to follow up with more strikes.



If your opponent doesn’t protect their face, you can also counter their punch with a right cross.


Make sure you knee forward, not upward, to generate maximum power.


Pull your opponent’s head down as you knee to break their posture. You could also knee them in the face if it’s within range.
