Issue 143
July 2016
If you only ever take the time to master one wall-work technique, make sure it’s this one
Ricky Lundell
The BJJ black belt and NCAA Division I wrestling prodigy presents his MMA wall-work masterclass with Dan Hardy
1 - Dan has Ricky pinned against the wall with an underhook, but Ricky has wrist control to stop Dan getting double underhooks.
2 - Ricky releases his wrist control and quickly steals his own underhook by cupping Dan’s shoulder.
3 - Stepping out with his left foot while elevating his underhook helps Ricky turn Dan onto the wall.
4 - Ricky drives his underhook up the wall to keep Dan off balance and under his control.
5 - To avoid being caught with the same reversal, Ricky grabs Dan’s bicep with his right hand.
If you don’t have a partner to drill with, work on your pressure with a Swiss ball against the wall.
When pressuring your opponent against the cage, throw short, quick knees to their midsection to tire them out.
If your opponent is tight to your body and stops you getting an underhook, bring your shin across their hips and use it to push them away, create space and make it easier to slide your arm through.
“The first thing everyone should know when you’re wall fighting is if your opponent has an underhook, you need to immediately try to steal an underhook, walk towards it and elevate it to steal the other side.”