Issue 142
June 2016
You get taken down, you get back up again, no one’s ever going to keep you down
Ricky Lundell
The BJJ black belt and NCAA Division I wrestling prodigy presents his MMA wall-work masterclass with Dan Hardy
1 - Dan shoots a successful takedown but Ricky gets his back against the wall.
2 - Ricky begins to throw elbow strikes at Dan’s temple.
3 - Dan is forced to protect his head with his right arm.
4 - Ricky catches Dan’s tricep with his left hand to control his position and keep his arm away from his hips.
5 - By posting on the mat with his right hand and stepping out with his left leg, Ricky gives himself a platform to stand up.
6 - Ricky slides his right leg back, pushes off the mat and pulls his body to the wall. He pulls Dan’s arm to prevent another double-leg attempt.
7 - As he pops to his feet using the wall for balance, Ricky takes an overhook with his right arm and tricep control with his left hand.
8 - Ricky turns his hips to make it harder for Dan to attempt another takedown. From here, he can use one of his wall reversals to improve his position.
Avoid throwing downward elbows or elbows to the back of your opponent’s head as this can get you disqualified. Extend your arm out to the side and bring it straight back to aim for the temple.
Whether you’re trying to get up or keep your opponent down against the wall, keeping your head above your opponent’s is a big advantage.
When you’re in top position, triangle your legs underneath your opponent’s knees to neutralize their legs.
“Once you stand up, you can go back to all our wall escapes, but first, you’ve got to get off the ground.”