Issue 142
June 2016
Absorb your opponent’s attack and spin them so you can strike with their back turned
Rafael Cordeiro
Head coach at Kings MMA in Huntington Beach, California, teaches you masterful Muay Thai with Fernando Bettega
1 - Rafael throws a jab. Fernando avoids the strike by stepping to his right.
2 - With Rafael’s left side exposed, Fernando throws his right body kick.
3 - Rafael steps to his right and catches the kick in the crux of his elbow.
4 - Rafael throws Fernando’s leg aside to turn him away from the centerline.
5 - Rafael throws Fernando’s leg aside to turn him away from the centerline.
If you prefer to take your opponent down, trip them after you catch the leg.
To clear your leg from your opponent’s grasp, turn your knee towards the mat and kick down.
If there was ever a time to throw a one-armed cartwheel kick, it’s after you’ve thrown your opponent’s leg aside. Muay Thai superstar Saenchai has claimed numerous knockouts with this move.