Issue 142
June 2016
UFC bantamweight Patrick Williams cooks up a storm with international flavor
Q What are your five nutritional essentials during fight camp?
A My five must-haves are Mrs Dash spices, my multivitamins, water – of course – nice fresh greens and mango peach salsa. Man, I go through mango peach salsa like crazy. I love it!
Q Where do your favorite foods come from?
A I love all Latin food, especially yellow rice and churrasco. I also love the Jamaican food. I was raised on it growing up.
Q What meal do you eat after you’ve made weight?
A After weigh-ins I like to eat steak medium-well, sweet potatoes and broccoli.
Q Do you use anything to spice it up?
A My favorite sauce is Trader Joe’s Sweet Chili Sauce. During training camp. I put that s**t on everything. I say that in my old lady voice (laughs).
Q Do you fancy yourself as a chef?
A Yes. I really enjoy making my own meals so I have a lot of steak, chicken, fish and some frozen fruits in my freezer. My signature dish is churrasco with sweet potatoes and brown sugar, salsa and broccoli. That’s my go-to dish. I like to eat steak or churrasco medium-well, sweet potatoes and broccoli spiced with Mrs. Dash lemon pepper during fight camp.
Q What food do you cheat with?
A I devour just about any snack cake. Give me a snack cake and it’s gone. Mmm.
Q Is there anything you won’t eat?
A I’m not into any type of animal feet, intestines, tongue, certain cheeses… And celery (laughs).
Q Do you prefer your significant other’s cooking or your mom’s?
A I prefer my significant other’s cooking. I guess her mom taught her how to cook well. Sorry grandma and mom.
This delicious Brazilian barbecue traditionally uses beef – but can also use a variety of pork, sausage and chicken – and is cooked on a purpose-built churrasqueira grill.
‘The Animal’ might not like celery, but it can help you feel full when you’re cutting back on calories. It’s full of water and fiber, which will make your stomach feel full.
Try to stay away from the snack cakes unless you want to be overweight. Just one 52g Twinkie has 4.3g fat and 99 calories.
Frozen fruits may be just as nutritious as the fresh kind. Just ensure they have no added sugar.