Issue 129

June 2015

The UFC bantamweight reveals his love of shadow boxing to the Bee Gees – and why he wants to fight Chuck Norris.


Are there any TV series you’re hooked on right now?

“I really like Community. That’s the show where a lawyer is forced to go back to community college with a bunch of oddballs; that’s a pretty funny show. I’m also really into The Forensic Files right now. I really like the investigative reporting and cold case stuff.”

If you could be a character on any TV show who would you want to be and why?

“I’d really want to be on Kenan and Kel. I really loved that show as a kid, so I would want to be on that.”

What sports do you watch on TV?

“I used to be in to a lot more sports when I was younger. My brother and sister watch a lot more sports than I do now; I’m just an MMA geek. I used to watch a lot of baseball and basketball when I was a kid. My mom and I would watch baseball a lot. I never followed individual players, but we liked the New York Yankees. I liked Derek Jeter and those guys. I will only watch the big games now: the Super Bowl, the World Series and stuff like that. Other than that, I just can’t sit there and watch an entire game. It’s a struggle to get my attention for a long enough period of time to do that.” 


Is there a particular movie genre you prefer?

“I’m more of a comedy guy. I don’t like watching stuff that’s too serious. I am a big Adam Sandler fan, and I’ll watch anything with him in it. Anything that is funny in general, I will definitely give it a try.”

What is the last movie you watched and what did you think of it?

“It was the one where the chick robs the burger joint she works at, with her grandmother. I can’t remember the name of the movie (Tammy) but that was pretty funny. The lead actress (Melissa McCarthy) is hilarious.”

Is there a particular flick we might be surprised to hear you enjoy?

“Forrest Gump: I loved watching that movie as a kid. Me and my sister would watch it and just crack up laughing. I don’t know why, but we really liked Forrest Gump.”

If you could punch one actor in the face who would it be and why?

“I would have to go with Chuck Norris. I would love to fight that guy, and I reckon that would be a great tear-up.”

Credit: Esther Lin / Zuffa LLC


What was the first car you owned? 

“It was a green Jeep Cherokee. My mom surprised me on my 18th birthday; she was like, ‘Here you go.’ She hooked me up with a Jeep Cherokee. It was like a car from that Robin Williams movie Jumanji. It was the older model Jeep Cherokee.”

What car are you driving now?

“Right now I have a Honda Accord; although it’s actually my girlfriend’s car! Yeah, I drive her car right now.”

That begs the question: what is your dream car?

“My dream car, believe it or not, would be an old Mustang; a nice 1970s Mustang. If I were to actually buy a car right now it would be something low-key, maybe a Nissan or something like that.”


How would you describe your personal style?

“I’d say I’m really laid back; I’m cool, calm and collected. I never take anything too seriously. I’m the type of guy you’d have to do something really messed-up to in order to get me mad.”

Is there a certain clothing style or brand you prefer?

“I try to dress it up when I go out. I throw on a collar shirt and nice pants. I like Express shirts and pants. But when I’m just hanging around I’m in sweatpants and sweatshirts.” 

Credit: Donald Miralle / Zuffa LLC


What is your favorite genre of music?

“I definitely like rap, and I’m a huge Jay Z fan. I also like some of the old 70s pop and disco stuff. I think I should have been born earlier and grown up in that era. I really enjoy that music. I just can’t get into the rap music that is out now.

So aren’t there any current rap or hip hop artists you enjoy? 

“Not really. I just listen to Pandora on the internet, or tune in to Jay Z Radio. The rappers out today, their stuff isn’t about the lyrics; it’s all just bullsh*t, really. I mean, there are a couple of current rappers I listen to; I like Kendrick Lamar and Schoolboy Q, but that’s about it as far as current artists go.”

Do you have any guilty pleasures as far as music is concerned?

“I really like a lot of the Bee Gees stuff. I can’t name a song or anything but I will be downstairs shadowboxing while guys are playing it outside, and I really get into it!”
