Issue 092

September 2012

Beautiful martial arts expert Giulini Wever could break, and stop, your heart


Measurements 32B–25–34 



You’re a martial arts expert as well as a stunning model, accomplished actress and a personal trainer, is that right? 

“Quadruple threat, that’s what they call me.”

You’re perhaps most famous for being the leather-clad martial arts expert who slays Nicki Minaj in the music video for Your Love. How did that gig come about?

“I saw a posting looking for a martial artist for a Nicki Minaj video, so I submitted myself and got called in. There were hundreds of other female martial artists at the casting, though, so when the director and producers asked to see what I could do I just went full force with high kicks and strong punches towards the camera. They threw me a stick and said, ‘Use it as a weapon. Show us something.’ So I threw it in the air and kicked and punched with it! Two hours later they said, ‘We thought when you walked in you were just another pretty face but Nicki Minaj recognized you from another video where you played her soldier, and likes you and everyone agreed you are a true martial artist.’ Job done.”


At what age did you first start training martial arts, and what drew you to it?

“I started kicking bags at the age of two! My dad, grandmaster Andy Wever, is a seventh-dan grandmaster in taekwondo, and he trained me since I was five. I got my black belt when I was 10. Martial arts is my life.”

Mixed martial arts has exploded in the last 10 years, when did you become aware of the sport and do you have a favorite fighter?

“My favorite fighter is Frankie Edgar, he’s from Jersey and I went to high school and university in Jersey, so he represents – and he’s amazing at what he does. But I also love Georges St Pierre too. He obtained his second-degree black belt in karate, like me in taekwondo, and started young and he’s just a well rounded fighter and pretty attractive. I actually know both of them personally too.” 

Gina Carano is the most high-profile female MMA fighter to move over into movies, and with your martial arts experience will you ever compete in the cage?

“Hell no (laughs). I used to compete when I was younger, but I don’t like no one hitting my face; that’s my money!”

Finally, where can our readers keep up to date with what you are up to?

“You can catch up with me on Facebook and Twitter or at my website,”

Q&A Quick Fire

Who would play you in a movie about your life? 

“Myself, that’s why I’m an actress.”


Who is your hero? 

“Bruce Lee and my daddy, grandmaster Andy Wever.”

What is your dream job?

“To become the next action superhero, have a women-empowering role. As a kid, I used to watch and play Power Rangers and I always said, ‘I am gonna be a Power Ranger one day.’ That’s still my dream.”


Worst habit?

“Rushing about. I don’t allow myself enough time in the day!”

Worst chat-up line you’ve ever heard?

“‘Are you tired ‘cos you been running through my mind all night.’ Ahh, please, give me a break!”

Best advice you’ve ever received? 

“From my daddy, ‘A winner never quits and a quitter never wins. Keep on moving forward and do not look back!’”


Where will you be going on vacation this year?

“I’m planning to see where life takes me but I would love to enjoy a

getaway on a tropical island with my loved ones.”


Night on the town, or on the couch at home? 

“I love reading, watching movies and being a home body. But, don’t get me wrong, if there’s an event that will take my breath away, I’m there!”


Song that always gets you dancing?

“Rihanna, Hopeless Place.”


Dream date?

“Dwayne Johnson and I (laughs). ‘The Rock’ rocking my world!”
