Issue 086
March 2012
FO welcomes you to the 10th Planet revolution.
1. Bravo for BJJ
Eddie ‘The Twister’ Bravo is the founder of 10th Planet jiu-jitsu and the rubber guard system. Being smaller and not as naturally strong as the average man, Eddie devised a method which favored flexibility, allowing grapplers to control opponents more effectively and attack with more versatility from the back than when using a traditional BJJ guard.
2. What a difference a name makes
When Bravo was devising his slick submission formula he gave names to every move and position, making the system as simple and easy-to-follow as possible. Techniques include mission control, New York and zombie. Other, more bizarre 10th Planet tags include the douche bag and gag reflex. Sometimes jokes write themselves.
3. BJJ for MMA
Because the gi is usually worn in traditional BJJ training, some of the moves learned in practice do not translate into MMA, such as choking your opponent with their own collar. 10th Planet jiu-jitsu is completely no-gi, meaning that all the moves practiced in 10th Planet JJ are 100% effective in mixed martial arts competition.
4. Famous faces
This revitalized form of jiu-jitsu is more than just the hip new kid on the submission scene. Many of MMA’s most well known fighters and personalities have trained in the well established 10th Planet system, including UFC fighters Frank Mir and Chuck Liddell, as well as UFC commentator and 10th Planet jiu-jitsu brown belt Joe Rogan.
5. 10th Planet takeover
What started off as one small jiu-jitsu school in California has grown into a global grappling empire with over 30 facilities worldwide, including 10th Planet training centers in England, South Africa and Sweden. Anybody know the Swedish for ‘douche bag’?
6. System development
Eddie Bravo likes to emphasize the importance of keeping an open mind, something that is reflected in the constantly evolving state of 10th Planet JJ. The system takes influence not only from traditional BJJ, but also from other combat styles such as wrestling and wing chun.
7. The resistance
There are some who feel that Bravo’s way of naming moves and training without the gi is disrespectful to traditional BJJ, but Eddie has always stressed that he is “doing this for jiu-jitsu”, with his methods of teaching are aimed towards the progression of submission grappling. He even released a song with his band Smoke Serpent, entitled Jiu-Jitsu, about his feelings on the controversy.
8. The next step
Despite the naysayers, there are those who believe that 10th Planet is the next stage in the evolution of jiu-jitsu, just as Brazilian jiu-jitsu was an evolution of Japanese judo. With the style itself constantly evolving and its inclination towards mixed martial arts, who’s to say they’re wrong?
9. Internet sensation
Mastering the System is an online reality series, created by 10th Planet student Jason Eisner, which features material such as fighter interviews, comedy sketches and, of course, jiu-jitsu instructionals. This method of using the internet to reach a wider audience is testament to the contemporary nature of 10th Planet JJ.
10. Read all about it
Eddie Bravo has written multiple books about jiu-jitsu and his whole 10th Planet system. His book, Mastering the Rubber Guard, has received almost exclusively positive reviews on Amazon from jiu-jitsu enthusiasts who are more than satisfied with Bravo’s instructions. If you’re too cool for school then there are also a range of 10th Planet DVDs available.