Issue 080

October 2011

This is YOUR page to tell us what you think of all things Fighters Only and MMA. Get your feelings off your chest and in their place there could be an FO ‘Flying Knee’ T-shirt! Plus, send us your pictures of you with fighters – and if you can slip a copy of FO into the pic, that’s even more likely to find its way into print. 


Wow! Boy, do I love your magazine and your website. I have bought many copies of fighting magazines over the course of the year but none are as good as Fighters Only. I bought my first copy while in Washington DC during a trip into a Barnes and Noble and have fallen in love ever since. I love all the little sections of the magazine, but one of my favorite parts about your magazine is how in depth you are when describing moves – step-by-step and picture-by-picture… Keep up the amazing work that you all are doing! 

God bless, Chris Serrano, via email

Thanks Chris. Your letter is so effusive anyone might think you were pulling our leg. But then everything you’re saying is true… Anyone else want to announce their undying love for the good ship FO? Do so via


I’ve got to say, while I’m a fan of mixed martial arts, I’m not a fan of some of the people who come with it. If there’s one sector of MMA I could do without it’s the holier-than-thou Internet forum nobodies who insist on contributing nothing but hot air to the human race. There’s very little in life that’s less productive than two undereducated, overconfident keyboard goons attempting to dupe the other into thinking they have the better opinion. Even if they do manage to achieve their ankle-high goal, what have they actually attained with their time?

OK, fine, I will concede that for some people there’s no one in their immediate network of friends with whom they can converse with about the latest fights, or what ‘X’ champion has said about ‘Y’ contender. But, don’t think that gives you a free pass to lord your Wikipedia knowledge over some 14-year-old from suburbia.

Unfortunately, you can’t even sweep these parasites under the carpet. The Internet has given everyone a voice, and all of these inarticulate mouth-breathers are going to grasp it with both sweaty hands. Whether it’s my everyday Twitter posts to friends or videos on YouTube, I’m subjected to the cretinous dirge purely due to digital proximity.

I don’t expect Fighters Only to be able to do anything about it all, but I do just want to say this to the great under-washed: the next time your typing fingers get all tingly, the next time you get the urge to open your lips and shout something at an athlete whose achieved more than you ever allowed yourself, don’t do it. Stop and ask yourself, why? 

Tom Draper, via email


Carlos Condit (@carloscondit)

Not sure how I feel about female heavy metal singers. If I wanted to hear a chick screaming I’d go visit my mom.

Dana White (@danawhite)

@JerryMillen Worry about your life you f**king weirdo, not mine. This obsession with me is not healthy. Shouldn’t you be out looking for a job?

Tito Ortiz (@titoortiz)

I’m an average man with a monster heart. UFC asked me for my help and I’m here for them. Just want to show my true character by stepping up.

Brittney Palmer (@brittneypalmer)

“@TMA_Presents: @brittneypalmer Will your calendar be vintage, edgy and unlike any other out there?”- Do bears sh*t in the woods? ;)

Dan Hardy (@danhardymma)

TapouT lost its direction. I loved the old company and was loyal to the end… Ownership changed, ethics changed. They became the corporation.

Roy Nelson (@roynelsonmma)

In the MMA business why do people say I will treat you like family and most family’s are f**ked up?

The posts that caught our eye this month in the online world of Fighters Only

suzyathey1975: Halfway through the special @Randy_Couture

@FightersOnly edition. Why oh why did it take me this long to discover

a sport I absolutely adore?!

wullie_c: Workout done. Seven sets of this month’s @FightersOnly

workout by @Grapplefit using 10kg bar

f**kinJOJO: Aaaand I forgot my latest issue of @FightersOnly in our hotel room...

ResidencyMMA: Been reading in @FightersOnly that Vitor Belfort is a Justin Bieber fan.

Is Vitor trying to make me dislike him more than I already did?

FightSpectator: @FightersOnly What do you think Barry’s got to do to turn things around going forward, and get back to the ‘W’s?

Jim Carter: I was screaming at my TV in the early hours of this morning when Kongo knocked [Barry] out!! Sheer determination saw that one out!! Loved it!!!
