Issue 076
June 2011
This month, Team Kaobon lightweights Paul Kelly and Terry Etim enter our Q&A Octagon
Round 1: Around the Octagon
Age you started training?
Paul Kelly
When I was around 19 or 20. I had about three fights in my first three months.
Terry Etim
How quick was your fastest KO?
Paul Kelly
My first few fights ended reasonably fast but I think my quickest is about 61 seconds.
Terry Etim
It’s got to be around 30 seconds.
Favorite way to end a fight?
Paul Kelly
Ground ‘n’ pound. It feels good to have the referee jump in.
Terry Etim
Definitely a head kick.
Toughest opponent faced?
Paul Kelly
Troy Mandaloniz was pretty tough. Every time he hit me it felt like I was being smashed by a train.
Terry Etim
Justin Buccholz without any doubt. He broke my nose early on but I came back to beat him.
How many fight bonuses have you had?
Paul Kelly
I’ve had two ‘Fight of the Night’ awards but I think I’ve deserved a couple more.
Terry Etim
I’ve had three bonuses, all for ‘Submission of the Night.’
10/9 round to Etim
Round 2: Personal Life
Do you have any higher education?
Paul Kelly
You’re joking aren’t you? I haven’t got any type of education.
Terry Etim
No, fighting is the only education I’ve got.
Do you have any pets?
Paul Kelly
I’ve got two dogs, both mongrels.
Terry Etim
I’ve got a cat.
Favorite meal?
Paul Kelly
Ben and Jerry’s Ice Cream. I love the Fairly Nuts flavor.
Terry Etim
How many Twitter/Facebook friends have you got?
Paul Kelly
Facebook page has been maxed out for ages, I’ve got quite a few on Twitter at @paulkellymma.
Terry Etim
My Facebook is full and I’ve only just joined Twitter. You can follow me at @terry_etim.
Who is your hero?
Paul Kelly
Charlie Sheen.
Terry Etim
Definitely my mum and dad.
Even round, 10/10
Round 3: Have you ever...
… stolen anything from a hotel?
Paul Kelly
Of course I have. My nan would be disappointed in me if not.
Terry Etim
… dropped food on the floor, but eaten it anyway?
Paul Kelly
Yes, on plenty of occasions.
Terry Etim
… had a crush on a friend’s mother?
Paul Kelly
(Laughs) Yes, but I’m not saying who.
Terry Etim
(Laughs) What kind of questions are these? No I haven’t.
… killed your dinner?
Paul Kelly
No, I’d find it difficult to do so.
Terry Etim
No, I couldn’t bring myself to that.
… been caught with porn?
Paul Kelly
Yes, plenty of times.
Terry Etim
(Laughs) No.
Disastrous final round for Etim
10/8 to Kelly
WINNER - Kelly bounces back from slow start with a big last round as Etim’s clean cut image catches up with him!