Issue 064
July 2010
He might have ‘Hands of Stone’ but the Canadian’s iPod library is light on rock – the lightweight is hotter for hip-hop and house.
What kind of iPod do you have?
I’ve got an 8GB iPod Touch that I received from Zuffa as a Christmas gift in 2008.
Do you listen to it a lot?
Definitely, I like to always have a beat going whether it’s training or relaxing around the house. It’s always nice to break the silence a little bit.
Do you listen to different types of music if you’re training or hanging around the house?
Definitely, I’ve got different playlists for training and for chilling and for if I’ve got people around having drinks.
What kind of music do you like to listen to when training?
Anything that pumps me up really, it’s not one specific genre of music. I like a lot of house music and hip-hop music and some rock music. Anything that’s got a good beat to it, I can get down to.
Do you have a signature walkout song?
Yeah, I’ve come out to ‘Go to Sleep’ by Eminem and DMX for a long time – since I was 19 years old. I haven’t done it for every UFC fight – it’s not that important to me, I wasn’t really pressing the issue.
Do you listen to music before you walk out?
Not really. I don’t need music in the dressing room. If somebody’s got an iPod dock or something back there I’ll throw some beats on. It’s nice to have but it’s not essential.
You train with Chris Horodecki and Mark Hominick. Do you ever have little scuffles over whose choice of music is going to get played?
Yeah, we’ve got a hook-up for the stereo system in the gym where you can just plug in your iPod. I’ll go and plug mine in and be listening to a certain type of music – usually for me it’s a pretty big mix. Then Horodecki will come in, unplug my iPod and throw in his Euro house beats [Laughs]. Hominick likes to play some old-school rock. A lot of AC/DC, a lot of stuff I think is terrible – Skid Row, stuff like that, ‘80s hair-band music. It’s a battle!
Hit shuffle on your iPod and name the first five songs that come up.
No cheating!
1. Michael Jackson, ‘The Girl is Mine’
You’ve got to love the old-school Michael Jackson hits. That’s from the ‘Thriller’ album. That’s just a great song.
2. LMFAO feat. Pit Bull, ‘I’m in Miami Bitch’
That’s a good one. That’s one of those songs you just can’t help but move around to a little bit when it comes on.
3. DJ Tiesto’s remix of Imogen Heap’s,
‘Hide and Seek’
I like house music, I like the club beats and stuff like that. It helps me to have a little rhythm when I’m hitting pads or sparring. It just gives you that little extra boost.
4. Sponge, ‘Plowed’
That’s a good song. That’s kind of some old-school Seattle-scene grunge music. That’s good right there. I’ll listen to that in training; I’ll listen to that if I’m just hanging out around the house too.
5. Chris Cornell, ‘You Know My Name’
Chris Cornell’s one of my favorite artists. That’s from the James Bond, Casino Royale soundtrack, which is one of my favorite movies too. That’s a very good song, it always gets me going.