Issue 070
December 2010
Shane Roller came within inches of a shot at the WEC lightweight title (before submitting to Anthony Pettis last minute at WEC 50 in August), but with an 11-3-0 record and this top-grade gear it won’t be long before he’s back,
Oklahoma State Gym Bag
Shane: “The bag itself I got back when I used to wrestle at Oklahoma State. I like carrying it just because it’s just a mesh bag and it lets everything air out and my gear isn’t contained, keeping all the sweat and smell in there. My time at Oklahoma State was really special for me so I take pride in carrying the bag just because it says OSU, has the wrestling logo and tells a little bit about my background.”
WEC Gloves
“It’s just the type of glove that we fight with. These weren’t used in a fight or anything but they’re just the exact same glove that the WEC gives us. I like training in them just because that’s what I’m going to be wearing in my fight. I try to train in them as much as I can, especially when I do jiu-jitsu and things, just because it feels a little different if you’re going for a choke and you have gloves on compared to when you’re going for a choke and you don’t have gloves on. Just to get used to the size that they are and how you have to adjust your hands and everything for your chokes.”
Team Takedown T-Shirt
“My management company started Team Takedown about three years ago; managing some college wrestlers. I think there are four of us now. They’ve been awesome to us, they take care of us, there’s a lot of support and they allow us just to concentrate on getting better and training. They take care of our finances so we don’t have to worry about that. We don’t have to have a day job or anything like that. Our jobs are fighting and going to the gym. That takes the pressure off. I know a lot of people when they’re getting started out they have to get a job first before they start making the bigger paydays. So what they do is they let us get started out, supply us with the funds up front at the beginning so we can just concentrate on getting better and I think it speeds up the process.”
10oz Hayabusa Gloves
“They’re good. They’re really comfortable. They’re some of the best bag gloves that I’ve ever had on; easy to move, they have a flexible wrist. They feel good.”
Century Shin Guards
“They’re good, they’ve got an extra little cushion at the front so when you’re sparring or blocking kicks and stuff it provides that extra padding. They don’t slip, or slide, or turn around like some of the other shin guards I’ve had before, so they work well.”
Fight Dentist Mouthpiece
“I got that from Fight Dentist here in Vegas at a UFC seminar. I actually got the one that I use the most a couple of years ago, and then I got another one from them at the UFC seminar last year in November ‘09. I’ve had that first one for probably three years and I’ve never had any problems with it.”
Rival Headgear
“When I do stand-up I usually use headgear; it just kind of depends on what we’re doing. If we’re doing a lot of takedowns and stuff I don’t use the headgear just because it kind of gets in the way. The Rival headgear fits real good. It’s what I wear when I do my heavy stand-up.”
Ecko Shorts
“They’re comfortable. They feel just like a lounge short you’d wear around the house. A lot of these companies make fight shorts that are real bulky, stiff and don’t feel comfortable. But the Ecko stuff, I think they’ve got it down; they’re not too long, they fit good, they’re comfortable.”
Shane Roller spoke to Gary Alexander,