Issue 065
August 2010
This is YOUR page to tell us what you think of all things Fighters Only and MMA! What do you like? What don’t you like? Who do you want to see fight who? Send us your pictures of you with fighters – and if you can slip a copy of FO into the pic, even better! Write or email in and the most interesting letter gets an FO T-shirt.
Amateur Judging
I have wanted to write and express my opinion over the current judging debate for some time, and have been motivated to put finger to keyboard after reading the article by John Morgan in issue 17 (The System Works – The Judges Don’t).
I had been a boxing fan for over 30 years, and competed at amateur level for a while, but became obsessed with MMA about two years ago. I disagree with John when he says the scoring system is correct and it is the judges that need an overhaul. The ten point-must system is inadequate for a three or five-round MMA match. In my opinion, the most suitable method of scoring an MMA match would be an adaptation of that used in amateur boxing.
In scoring MMA bouts, fighters should be awarded one point for the following: a clean strike or kick that connects, a combination of punches, a sustained submission attempt, a submission escape, a sprawl. Fighters should be awarded two points for a takedown and for a knockdown. Three judges should score the fight with two of them focused on separate fighters. The third judge should watch the fight overall and award three bonus points to the fighter who in their opinion won the round overall, based on the current judging criteria. The scores would be carried over into each round and made public after each round so fighters know what they have to do, and fans aren’t exposed to any incredulous surprises.
Steve Reed, Sacramento
Getting Well Soon
Just writing to say how much MMA has changed my state of well-being. I’ve been interested in it for a couple of years, but recently, due to falling out of love with boring gym-routines, I decided to give real lessons a shot. It’s been just over three months now and I feel in the best shape of my life.
We now have around ten people from my college attending as well. They have become close friends who I would not have met otherwise. As well as teaching discipline and fitness, MMA is also a great way to increase social well-being.
Jake, Chicago
Dog Days
I have just spent ten days in South Beach, Miami with my girlfriend. As we are both kickboxers, we went and found an MMA gym to train at.
On the plane I spent the entire flight reading the Fighters Only issue with Thiago Alves on the cover, front to back. To my total excitement, while taking part in a sparring class at the gym we found, we saw Thiago Alves himself getting ready to spar. So being a UFC fan with a camera, I had to get my picture with him.
The next day lying on the beach I decided to send the picture in to you. I thought it was ironic he was on your front cover the same time I ran into him in a gym miles away from my normal training program.
Ross Phillips and Natalie Bee
Hello Folks,
I continue to buy your superb magazine and find myself eagerly waiting for the next issue every month. There is always something in the performance section that I can relate to when preparing for my fights. Also great interviews with the most influential fighters in the sport. I notice that you requested more budding artists to send in their work. I hope you enjoy my artwork of newly crowned champ Maricio ‘Shogun’ Rua.
Keep up the good work
Chris Morgan