Issue 071
January 2011
What’s more lavish than owning a ranch with Leonard Garcia? Filling it with animals, high-end cowboy gear and an Apple store’s worth of gadgets. It seems Donald ‘Cowboy’ Cerrone can spend like a king
Holstein Bulls
“Something I just waste my money on is animals. We have every animal you can think of. People go out and buy shoes and sh*t but we buy animals. We just bought three Holstein bulls. That’s what we spend our money on.”
TapouT Bus
“At our house, Leonard and I, we let people come out and train. We have between six and eight people every month come out and live and train. So we’ve got the bus. The bus is just basically our transportation. When it’s a full house and you can’t take three trucks down we hop on the bus with 20 people and we just roll. Or we take road trips in it.”
Resistol Hats
“I’ve got at least 25. I’ve got a couple that are worth $1,200, $1,500 a piece. Then I’ve got ones that are worth nothing, then all the way in between. I always wear the same hat to the cage. That one I’ve had since I used to ride bulls and I used to rodeo. That hat’s been stepped on, squashed. It sits in a case now, it never comes out. I’ve got a hat case for it and it just sits in there until it’s time to go play.”
“The Casey-style boots I wear a lot. The Caseys are like our dress boot. Man, I’ve probably got more boots than girls have shoes, I bet you; 25 or 30 pairs of them. I’ve only got two pairs of running shoes and that’s it. Cowboy boots, guaranteed, are what I spend more money on than the average person.”
Apple Technology
“Technologically, we have everything you could think of. I’ve got underwater iPods, iPods you run with, iPods I listen to in my truck. I’ve got Apple TV, laptop, computer, iPhones, we’ve got it all man. I’m a total Mac guy because it all fits together. Probably the Apple TV is the one we get the most use out of because on our bus that we ride we’ve got Apple TV. It’s like a hard drive, you can save probably about 500 videos on it, so when we’re driving we just watch Apple TV and movies.”
Video Games
“Yeah we have every video game. We have Xbox 360. I don’t get on the PlayStation much. We’ve got four Xboxes, one in every living room. We’ve got every game ever made. Leonard just sits there and plays video games all day and I don’t, I watch. I don’t really get much out of the Call of Duty games or anything like that, but Grand Theft Auto and Red Dead Redemption I play.”
“I’ve got a truck, that’s about it; I spend all my money on horses and motorcycles. We’ve got 12 four-wheelers out here and three dirt bikes. We’ve got a couple of Banshees that we’ve built from the ground up.”
“Right now we’ve got a couple of thoroughbreds. I like the race horses, man; they’re fast. You’ve definitely got to go and take them out and get [tack]. It’s just like getting a dog. You’ve got to go get certain things. We’ve got carved-leather saddles. We’ve got $2,000 saddles just to ride. From lightweight to the pimped out leather, we’ve every kind of saddle.”