Issue 059
February 2010
We asked four different figures from the MMA world their opinions on the pressing matters of the hour.
The Fighter
Kim Couture
The Fan
James Harris
Member of US Armed Forces.
The Writer
Barry Gibson
FO’s resident strength and conditioning coach.
The Insider
Ed Soares
Manager to Anderson Silva, Machida, Minotauro and more.
Q1 Was Fedor exposed by Rogers or did he prove his worth as a top heavyweight?
Kim Couture
I definitely think he proved his worth as a top heavyweight. He’s just so explosive and so smart.
James Harris
I think that Fedor totally dominated the fight, besides the first 30 seconds. I love watching Fedor but until he fights the current top-tier guys in the UFC then he will always have doubters!
Barry Gibson
Fedor was not exposed – I’m a little biased as I’m a big fan, but he showed true championship spirit and fought on and took the deserved win.
Ed Soares
He’s definitely a top heavyweight. He wasn’t exposed so much, and I hate to use the word lucky, but he somehow takes a licking and keeps coming.
Q2 Fighter entrances. Is there a place for Mayhem-style ring walks or should they just get in there and fight, like in the UFC?
Kim Couture
It’s a form of entertainment and it’s funny, it makes you laugh and always want to watch him – it’s good marketing on his part!
James Harris
I often connect with fighters by the song that they walk out to – but I would leave the choreographing to Donny Osmond! I wouldn’t mind seeing Gina Carano dance a lil’ bit though!
Barry Gibson
Fighter entrances are great for the fans – some fighters go the whole nine yards and some keep it.simple. I think it’s important for the entertainment value – early UFCs with the generic music were awful.
Ed Soares
I think get in and fight, like the UFC. I’m not really a fan of the big entrances.
Q3 As fighters become better at grappling and ground ‘n pound, is there still a place for jiu-jitsu in MMA?
Kim Couture
Oh of course, can you imagine it without it?
James Harris
I think that each of these styles are totally different and will always have a place in MMA. Call the Gracies and ask them this question, you will probably get cussed out in Portuguese!
Barry Gibson
I think there’ll always be a place for it – MMA is still young. I think it’ll continue to evolve as with judo. Techniques come back into fashion. BJJ will always be around, you at least need to study it even if you don’t do it at a high level.
Ed Soares
I think jiu-jitsu is a key factor in MMA.
Q4 With a bit of training, what athletes from other sports do you think would do well in the Octagon?
Kim Couture
Rugby, definitely. I love football and I’d love to teach those guys some good double legs!
James Harris
With years of training maybe some NFL or NBA players, but you can’t train to have the heart of a fighter!
Barry Gibson
I think it’s apples and oranges. The only athletes coming close for me would be other combat athletes or maybe rugby players.
Ed Soares
I heard Shaquille wants to fight in the Octagon, I think he’d be pretty good – big, strong, he’d be super heavyweight though. He’s 7’3”, right?
Q5 If you could KO an opponent with a high kick or choke them out with a gogoplata, which would you choose?
Kim Couture
High kick. I love the gogoplata too – from the top!
James Harris
High Kick on Brock Lesnar. w I hope he is well and fine with his illness but he really is an asshole in how he acted post-fight with Frank Mir.
Barry Gibson
As a grappler, I’d say gogoplata, but considering I couldn’t get my hips to any angle for a kick or a gogoplata, I’m pretty stuck!
Ed Soares
I’d like to knock them out with a high kick!