Issue 059
February 2010
Anderson Silva is a special human being. His ability in the Octagon has set him apart as one of the greatest fighters of all time, and his sublime skills are the envy of every MMA fighter in the world. Known primarily as a Muay Thai stylist, his awesome kickboxing skills are the result of years of training in the ‘Science of the Eight Limbs’. Try some of the following moves and emulate the UFC middleweight champion.
Body Triangle
Anderson’s long legs give him great control from the closed guard and the back.
In the Gym
Try locking on a body triangle from guard and use it to keep the distance between you and your opponent’s punches. If they lift up their power leg to try and drive forward, hook under the thigh and sweep.
In Action
Silva squeezed Carlos Newton’s ribs with this hold from the closed guard at Pride 25, stopped Israel Albuquerque with punches while controlling his back with a body triangle at Meca 5, and of course submitted Dan Henderson with a rear naked choke while stuck to his back with this hold.
Head movement
Silva’s head movement, like that of a boxer, is often considered too risky for MMA because of the danger of being kicked or kneed when bobbing and weaving. Anderson uses masterful and precise head movement, never leaving himself vulnerable to further attacks.
In the Gym
A Mike Tyson slip bag is easily constructed by partially filling a flat ball with sand and fastening it to a length of rope. Set the slip bag in motion and move left, right and under the bag before it returns. Add shadow boxing to the drill, slipping the bag as though it were the hand and throwing punches to where your opponent’s head would be.
In Action
Silva’s victory over Forrest Griffin showcased his superhuman reaction-speed and ability to read his opponent’s intentions. Silva evaded Griffin’s attacks by slipping side to side and back, before returning with perfectly-picked counters.
Plum clinch
The plum clinch is often referred to in MMA circles as the ‘Thai clinch’, because the double collar hold is unique to Muay Thai. The plum clinch should be applied by levering down on the crown of the head, not holding the neck.
In the Gym
The chin-up utilizes the same muscle groups as those used during the plum clinch. Hold for a few seconds at the top of the movement and slowly lower yourself so your arms are fully extended. This exercise will help you develop an inescapable grip on your opponent, with the strength to lever their head down onto your knee strikes.
In Action
Silva’s destruction of former UFC middleweight champion Rich Franklin at UFC 64 was accomplished largely thanks to his mastery of the plum clinch.
The long-armed Silva can deliver elbows from a range where many others might fall short of the mark.
In the Gym
Work on the maize bag to get a variety of angles to land your elbow. Turn your hand over to land with the sharpest part of the elbow.
In Action
Silva’s spectacular KO of Tony Fryklund was a brilliant example of perfect timing coupled with perfect technique. Silva first sliced down, deliberately missing with the overhand elbow, only to return the action by whipping upward beneath the chin.