Issue 048

April 2009

Peter Irving is a professional welterweight fighter and Fighters Only’s resident fight expert. With a record of 9-5-1, Irving has fought in Europe and the USA, and currently holds the Strike & Submit European title. 

The left hook provides an alternative lead-in to a combination than traditional entries such as the jab, preventing a fighter becoming predictable. Left hooks are also a dangerous weapon in their own right, targeting the knockout spots on the temple and back of the jaw. The left hook provides great sympathetic rotation for right sided techniques, helping to generate force from a right cross or right kick, and can make an excellent distraction technique, coming in unseen from the periphery. 

Protect yourself 

The right hand should stay en garde while the left hook is thrown. 

Power Up 

The left hook doesn’t get it’s power from the arm. The arm merely moves from the vertical to the horizontal. All the power comes from: 

The core

The trunk of the body whips around and generates most of the power.

The hips

The twist of the hips leads that of the core. 

The feet

The left foot rotates onto the ball of the foot, driving into the floor so as to enable the rest of the chain to turn with force. 

Left hook to short combination

Step 1 Pete (black) and Knox (white) square off. 

Step 2 Pete closes the distance, stepping closer and a little off the centre line with a left hook. 

Step 3 Pete follows up with a close-range straight right. 

Step 4 And finishes with a shovel hook to the body, twisting his lead leg and driving the punch up in to the liver. 

Left hook to kick combination

Step 1 Pete and Knox square off. 

Step 2 This time Pete doesn’t come quite as close, throwing his left hook long. 

Step 3 This gives him the right range and rotation to throw his right body kick. 

Step 4 Pete rotates back the other way to finish with a low left inside leg kick. 

Left hook to take down

Step 1 Pete and Knox square off. 

Step 2 Pete throws his left hook, making Knox bring his guard up high to cover. 

Step 3 The distraction of the hook helps Pete shoot in on the right side, with leg in the centre. 

Step 4 Pete brings his trail leg up and lifts Knox into the air, ready to slam him to the mat. 
