Issue 046

February 2009

The jab is the foundation of all your striking techniques. It acts as a ‘feeler’, the range-finder for all your other techniques. You can jab to the head or to the body, you can jab defensively or to attack, to misdirect or confuse an opponent, or simply to cause damage. This fundamental and most versatile of strikes must be perfected to provide a sound base for any fighters striking game.  

3 minute clinic

Head up, chin down

The chin is tucked and the left shoulder protects the jaw when the jab is fully extended. Only the hand comes forward – your head doesn’t lean in with the punch.  

In and out

The jab fires out in a straight line, coming home back down the same line and back to the guard.  

Elbows in

Keep the elbow down of your covering arm to keep the body protected.

Keep your balance

When throwing the jab make sure that your weight is distributed evenly over both legs. The stance mustn’t be too wide so you can still sprawl, check low kicks and follow up the jab with any shot, or move off in any direction.  

Jab, cross, hook

Step 1

Pete (black shirt) and Knox (white shirt) square off

Step 2

Pete jabs straight down the centre

Step 3

Now that his jab has found it’s mark, Pete follows with the straight right

Step 4

As the right comes back to Pete’s jaw he lets the left hook go

Jab to inside leg kick

Step 1

Pete (black) and Knox (white) face each other

Step 2

Pete fires a jab down the middle

Step 3

As the jab has brought Knox’s guard up, he twists his hip and kicks to the inside of the lead leg, aiming for the muscle above the knee. Note Pete’s head is out of range of any return as he kicks

Jab to takedown

Step 1

Pete (black) and Knox (white) square off

Step 2

Pete throws out his jab

Step 3

Pete anticipates that Knox may counter with his own jab. When the counter comes, Pete level changes beneath the jab

Step 4

Pete shoots in on Knox, his lead leg penetrating deep between Knox’s leg. Pete captures the hips, ready to take him down
