Issue 053
August 2009
This is YOUR page to tell us what you think of all things Fighters Only and MMA! What do you like? What don’t you like? Who do you want to see fight who?
I’ve bought two of the first three issues and love just about everything about FO. The best way I can put it is to say it feels like an event when I see an issue on the stands. It just doesn’t feel or read like any of the other MMA magazines out there right now. The interviews don’t come across as fluff pieces and the photos are top notch. Whatever you do, do not change the over-sized format. It’s part of the appeal and just makes everything inside pop that much more. Not to mention that Rolling Stone did and it started to suck right away and forced me to cancel. Since you did the piece on Paul Taylor, any chance of getting something similar of his American counterpart Scott Smith? The guy may never compete for a title but can steal any show.
Paul K, Houston, TX
Fighters Only is still the best MMA magazine for my money, loads of fantastic articles and features, but in one respect you are slipping behind your rivals. In another MMA magazine there was a full fight report of Strikeforce, including a great review and picture of undefeated women’s MMA champion Sarah Kaufman in another great fight. By contrast, in one brief sentence FO recently mentioned Sarah stepping in at short notice to take on Meisha Tate, yet only in the context of discussing Kim Couture’s withdrawal because of her split with Randy!
So an amazing and great women’s champion is hardly worth a mention, while Kim’s impending divorce with Randy is worthy news? Is this FO or a gossip magazine? Get with the times, Fighters Only! If you want to show babes in the mag, that is fine, but what about the fighting ones: Kaufman, Carano, Tate? All beautiful babes, but they can fight too! Hope you get your views on women’s MMA straight before Cyborg and Carano meet, or you may end up going down the.rankings. What does Rosi Sexton think of all this?
It’s a big part of the future of MMA. I challenge you to open up the debate and print this letter: what do your readers want? Are you going to step up to this challenge?
Andy Davis
Hi guys, great job on the recent issues! I particularly enjoyed the article ‘Caging the Mind’. I suffer from panic attacks during training when I’m in certain holds, but reading that article has really helped me focus and I’ve been doing really well! Thanks!
Sam Weller, via email
Hi Fighters Only. Just thought I’d drop you guys a quick email to say hello and show you my ‘home gym’. Until a couple of months ago I was training at various clubs, a swanky gym membership, and then I got credit crunched... I moved home, reassessed the situation and got busy in my garage. Now I’ve got my own place to train, with homemade medicine balls, heavy bag, hammer and tire, band station, and Slayer on the stereo. The worst thing that could have happened to me has turned into one of the best things. New direction, new start, new gym. Got to say a shout out to Ross Enamait, it’s true, you really are ‘never gymless’. Loved the feature on home gyms a couple of issues back, admittedly it might be a while before I step up and get the floor matted, but for now the concrete does me fine. Keep up the good work and thanks.
Damien sharing his trip to UFC 99 in Germany
Fighters Only online forum
A pick of the best from the forum at FightersOnlyMag.com.
30 too old?
I’ve just turned 30, and with 12 years behind me in the army, I’m looking for a new adrenaline boost. I have a few years judo experience but need a bit more contact. Anyone fancy passing some advice on, I think I’ve found a Muay Thai / MMA gym I could train at but have I left it too late?
Posted by reg
There are only 2 words needed in response to the “Too old for MMA?” Randy Couture!
Posted by Graham, Footsoldier