Issue 029

September 2007

Brazilian fighter Edson Draggo is a big dude. Standing close to 6’3” and well over 100kgs, his meaty arms and shoulders are imposing enough. 

Add the giant tattoo of a dragon into the mix, and they become even more striking. The dragon stretches from his upper back, down his shoulder and onto his arm, covering up an old tattoo in the process. 

With his often misspelt name across his shoulders (a reminder to everyone who gets it wrong maybe?) and the bizarre yet fitting ‘good boy’ on his upper right arm (a reference to the fact that though he is something of a bad boy in the ring, he is charming and polite away from it), his upper body isn’t heavily tattooed yet he still manages a good amount of coverage. 

His right forearm, the one generally flying in people’s directions, reads “only God can judge me” in Portuguese – something of a message for his opponents. His right leg has a tattoo of a scorpion, reference to his starsign, which fits in with his philosophy of getting tattooed. “All of my tattoos have some kind of meaning,” he says. “They all represent something in my life.” Draggo also says that he has no plans to get further tattooed, and he is happy with the amount that he has now. 
