Issue 053
August 2009
By Rosi Sexton.
What is it?
A cauliflower ear (or auricular hematoma) occurs when there is bleeding between the skin and the cartilage of the outer ear. The cartilage becomes separated from its blood supply and, if it is not treated, it will eventually die. Scar tissue is formed, which causes the well known deformity.
How it happens
It is usually the result of friction or blunt trauma to the ear. This can happen with a strike that hits the ear, or from impact during grappling. Wrestlers are particularly vulnerable because of the frequent contact between head and opponent.
What does it feel like?
Cauliflower ears can be very painful in the early stages. They usually feel hot and swollen, and sore and squishy to touch. If untreated, this pain will reduce over the course of a few weeks and the lump will become hardened as the fluid is replaced by scar tissue.
Who has it happened to?
Who hasn’t it happened to? Cauliflower ears are something that many serious mixed martial artists and grapplers will suffer from at some stage in their career. Good genetics may help – some people seem much more vulnerable to this problem than others.
It’s possible to prevent cauliflower ears by wearing ear protection. While ear guards may be effective, few of us wear them consistently enough to eliminate the problem. Most fighters will wear them only when the ear starts getting sore, or after a recent cauliflower ear. This is usually too late to prevent the damage, but does reduce pain in training.
If caught early enough, it’s possible to prevent a cauliflower ear from turning into a permanent deformity. Treatment consists of draining the fluid from the lump on the ear with a hypodermic needle and syringe. After draining the ear, it’s important to compress the area for 24–48 hours to prevent it from refilling with blood. There are various methods for doing this; a common and effective way is to pack the ear with cotton wool taped to the side of the head.
This should all be carried out by a doctor, nurse or other qualified healthcare provider.
Some fighters prefer to drain their own cauliflower ears. We wouldn’t recommend this. The main risk involved is infection – it is very important to ensure that the skin of the ear, the needle, and all the materials being used are adequately disinfected.
How long can a fighter with this injury expect to be out for?
Some fighters will carry on training quite happily with a cauliflower ear. Ear guards can reduce the pain, and the likely worst case is that you end up with a grossly deformed ear.
If you prefer to keep your good looks intact and get the ear drained, then it is best to take a week to ten days off training afterwards while the ear heals – otherwise you’re likely to find yourself back where you started.
What long-term problems is it likely to cause?
Old cauliflower ears are rarely painful, and some mixed martial artists even welcome them as a ‘badge of honor’. However, aside from putting an end to your modeling career and restricting your choice of earphones, cauliflower ears can also affect your hearing so it is better to get them treated early.