Light heavyweight Houston Alexander cuts a striking figure. His pumped-up and scarred torso has been referred to as one of the most impressive physiques in the Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC)  

The explosive fighter, based out of Omaha, Nebraska, is fast making a name for himself as one of the UFC’s hottest properties, but don’t think this guy came from nowhere. “I been around a long time, man,” he said, describing how he had literally dozens of amateur underground fights, sometimes as many as four or five in one night. His arms and back show evidence of fights away from the cage as well, and he even has the street term ‘OG’ tattooed on his shoulders, referring to his past as a bit of a ‘hustler’. “You got to have been around long time to get OG status,” he says.  

The tattoo across his upper back reads ‘Bringer of War’, and it is his favourite of 

all his pieces. “I got it cos that’s what I do, every time I fight I bring 110%.” Anyone who has seen his explosive style would find it hard to disagree.  

He has the same words tattooed on his hands, along with La Vida Loca on his forearms, Spanish for ‘My Crazy Life’. The Spartan king Leonidas adorns his left forearm, and was his most recent acquisition. Lenny Renken from Little Bros tattooists in Omaha tattooed the Spartan warrior, while the majority of his other work is done 

by Houston’s preferred tattooist Dominique, who works from Big Brain tattooists.
