Issue 026

June 2007

Our mailbag was pretty empty this month, what’s going on? There has been plenty of action in the MMA world, what with shock results, fighters being suspended left, right and centre for doping and the UFC seemingly taking over the world! Surely that’s worth writing in to us about? Remember, our favourite letter gets an FO T-shirt, so remember to include your contact details in your letter / email. Our postal address is 6 Charlotte Square, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, NE1 4XF or you can email us at

Dear Fighters Only, 

I bought issue 24 and enjoyed it very much. The article on why girls like fighters had my interest very much. I think I’ve read it like 12 times! I can relate to the article a lot because I am in a relationship with a fighter. Anyways, the picture on the first page of article, the girl sitting in the thong on the fighters lap, is there any way for me to add that picture to my MySpace page? I’ve looked all over for it and can’t find it. 

Thanks for your time 

Nola (via email)

Hi Nola, 

First off thanks for the comments about the article, we’re glad you liked it and found you could relate to it. The picture in question was taken by our very own editor and roving photographer Hywel Teague. Because we like your page so much we’ll shoot you an email with details on how to get hold of the picture in question. 

Dear Fighters Only, 

I am writing this to see if you could spare a couple of copies to give to some people who really haven’t got a clue what they are going on about, they are slagging off MMA: Barry McGuigan and Frank Warren. I hope to see one day an MMA fighter take on a boxer in an exhibition match like Rocky vs. Thunderlips (Hulk Hogan). They need to have a good read of this mag. 

Forever thankful for your mag 

Kevyn Jones, Wales

Dear Fighters Only, 

I read an article a few issues back (unfortunately I cant remember which one) about a ‘regular Joe’ who saved up enough money to train with Fairtex gym in Asia, Miletich Fighting Systems in the US and Chuteboxe (I think) in Brazil. Would you be able to advise me of the details of this book? 


Michael (via email)

Dear Fighters Only, 

Now then, I’m a reader of your mag and think the new look is sweet! I train out of Middlesbrough jiu jitsu and I hope to fight in the future (you never know might even get a feature). Anyway just thought I’d drop you a line, keep up the good work! 

Ollie, via email

Dear Fighters Only,

I thought I would just drop you a line as the last few times I have been to fight nights I feel that the standard of some of the fighters is just so low. I don’t train or fight myself but I have been a fan for many years now and I think I can tell a good fighter from a bad one.

Are people just not being coached for long enough? It seems to me that people are fighting professionally after training for less than a year. Surely it can’t be helping the sport? Anyway keep up the good work and lets hope 2007 will be the year of MMA.

Dave H, via email

Diego Sanchez testing positive for marijuana

How the fuck do people fight when they are stoned? All I could do was sit on the sofa and eat shit.

Posted by Kat

Who would you rather smoke with? 

Diaz or Sanchez? I like Diego as a fighter, but I think it would be unpleasant to smoke a bowl with him. You saw how he acted when he got drunk on the tv show. The guy is a bit freaky. He would probably take off his shirt and start flexing, something disturbing like that. I would probably make my excuses and leave asap.

I think it’d be more fun to get high with Nick, based on the fact that he took off his shoe and threw it at Diego’s head just before they fought on that UFN. I think he would have some funny stories... that one alone has me in stitches every time I think about it. However, he seems like he might start getting pissed off and aggressive if he got too high.

Baroni also smokes... I think he’d be better than Sanchez or Diaz, because he’s a big talker and pretty funny. It would be entertaining to watch him go off on one of his egotistical rants, plus I wouldn’t be so threatened because if he got violent I could just take him down or dodge his punches till he gassed.

Posted by Dr Violence

