Issue 023
March 2007
Once again we delve into the depths of our inbox. Come on guys, put a smile on the faces of the office monkeys at Fighters Only towers and send us your letters as well as hitting the email ‘send’ button!
Seeing as now you have MMA babe page are you going to start a MMA hunks page too! If so then you should start with Jess ‘Joker’ Liaudin. He’s so dreamy!
Seriously, shouldn’t the MMA babe actually be a MMA female fighter, not MMA models/ring girls? Lets have some more copy about the real MMA babes; the girls that step in the ring to fight, not smile and look pretty.
Fay, via email
Thanks for the letter Fay, you make a good point. Fighters Only has long had a strong female readership, and we don’t want to risk this by alienating our readers. We have and will continue to feature female fighters, but should we address the balance by featuring profiles of blokes in their underwear? Ladies, get writing in and let us know who you would want to strip down to just their fight shorts!
Dear everyone at Fighters Only,
My name is James Styles and I was the very lucky winner of the Cage Rage 19 tickets. I wanted to write and thank you all for the unforgettable experience I had, not only did I get to meet all the fighters at the weigh in, stay in the same hotel and drink with them at the after show party, but ended up going out to dinner with my two favourite fighters Mr Eric ‘Butterbean’ Esch and Mr Wesley ‘Cabbage’ Correira on the night of the weigh in, two amazingly nice people who gave me tips on how I can up my game in MMA.
The Saturday night action was a night not to be missed, the fight card could not have been better planned, from the word go it was non stop action; from a bloody nose to a dislocated elbow, it was fast and very fierce, blink and you missed it!
It was my girlfriend Tracey and myself’s first Cage Rage and MMA event, at some points she had to look away but my eyes were glued to the action at all times. We really enjoyed ourselves and now she is a massive fan of Cabbage and Cage Rage, that means now I can watch the fighting with her without changing the channel (oh yeah). Thanks to Claire and Tony (Cage Rage) for looking after us, they were really helpful and a damn good laugh and not bad at drinking in the bar.
I cannot thank you enough for the experience that we had. Keep up the good work with the magazine.
Yours sincerely, James Styles
We’re glad you guys enjoyed yourself James, thanks for your support and we hope you continue to be a fan of MMA for many years to come. For more extra-special Cage Rage experiences, keep an eye on future issues of Fighters Only, as more comps will be coming up soon!
How do, this one is posted to Ian “The Machine” Freeman, am a big fan, I read your book “Cage Fighter” after I read about you in a muscle mag. I was disappointed when I heard you were going to the IFL because I wanted to see you fight in Cage Rage again. I’ve seen all three of your fights for Cage Rage and you always come to fight. Is the IFL going to be broadcast in the UK at any point? Also when’s Sucker Punch out over here? Cheers keep up the good work!
Deke Boddy, via email
Well Deke, Ian going to the IFL is big news not just for him but for the whole MMA scene in the UK, as he will be taking a team comprised of the best talent the UK has to offer over with him. As ever he is working hard to promote the sport, as are the IFL. Will they come to the UK? Who knows, guess we’ll just have to be happy with the UFC coming here for the moment and see what happens.
From the forums
Zuffa buy Jesus
That’s right THE Jesus Christ. Apparently he came back, and the Fertitas bought the rights to him and his resurrection for a 3 hour pay per view coming soon. There will also be a reality show in which 16 apostles will be narrowed down to 4 for that same ppv. Amazing, I know. Remember, I broke the news first.
Jason ‘Mayhem’ Miller, posted on the UG
Who has the most badass pose in regards to martial arts? I would say Muay Thai fighters has to be the most badass of them all. They kinda remind me of a cobra, ready to strike. the most retarded one has to be that of a bjj (no offence, since this is my primary art as well for the past 5 yrs, lol) man. they have this “BOO! I’m gonna get you” stance... but then again, them wing chun people looks like they’re about to take a dump.
Lelo, posted on the UG