Issue 024

June 2023

With Rosi Sexton.

Armbar from back position

1. Karl has Rosi’s back with an under-over grip and both hooks in.
2. With his arms still linked, he isolates Rosi’s arm on the same side as the underhook.  
3. Karl switches position, putting his right leg across the body. His left arm comes over the head and he pushes with the forearm against Rosi’s neck.  

4. Releasing his grip, he takes his right hand and puts it on his own head while pushing away with his left hand.  
5. Having made space with the left hand, he brings his leg over Rosi’s head
6. To finish the armbar he pushes down with his legs and lifts up with his hips.  

Rolling armbar from Turtle position

1. Karl is in ‘turtle’ position. Rosi has both hooks in.  
2. Rosi hooks Karl’s left arm and moves off to that side, freeing her right leg but leaving her left hook in.  
3. She places the shin of her right leg on the back of his neck.  
4. Reverse angle: With her left hand, she reaches across to take the far leg.  

5. Pulling on the leg with her hand, she pushes down with her right shin into the back of Karl’s neck, forcing him to roll.  
6. She switches her left hand to the near side leg to stop Karl from turning away and escaping.  
7. Rosi places her right leg over the face and finishes the armbar.  
