Issue 024

April 2007

By Barry Gibson. Last time, we covered some methods of odd object training and this issue we’re continuing the theme. In this article, I’ll talk about kegs, stones and log lifts. 


We’ll go with kegs to begin with. Everyone loves a trip to the off-licence, so the next time you go for your six-pack or similar, ask the nice people if they have any spare kegs they can give you. Of course you’ll get some strange looks when you specify that you want an empty one but who cares? You can fill it with water and get an incredible workout from using this tool. Just look at Rocky in the latest film! A half-filled keg will work in the same manner as a sand bag, in that the weight will slosh around creating an unstable lift. In case you’ve been asleep the entire time I’ve written for this illustrious publication, it is this unstable effect that fighters require! 

Performing a clean hand press with a half full keg will definitely grab your attention. Adding in a set of thrusters will really turn up the heat and have you tossing your breakfast! As with most ‘old school’ methods, you can use the same conventional exercises that you would perform with a barbell. So use your imagination when creating a programme. 

A sample complex routine could look like this, perform for reps or time:

  • Overhead walk
  • Clean and press
  • Zercher squat
  • Bent-over row
  • Snatches
  • Floor press
  • Turkish get-up
  • Keg loading (rotational exercise involving lifting the weight up onto a platform adjacent to yourself)

That little lot will have you screaming for mercy, and if not, you’re my new hero!


Next we’re going to talk about log lifting. Logs that you can train with are readily available from any good timber yard, or you can take advantage of wooded areas where the trees have already fallen, simply cut off the excess twigs etc and you’re ready to go. As already mentioned you can perform any exercise I’ve talked about above when using logs. They can also be cut to different sizes and weights depending on your goals. They are especially useful for all types of carrying drills. Here is a sample:

  • Set two points about 30 metres apart.
  • Start at point A with an overhead walk to point B. Once you get there, perform 10 military presses.
  • Overhead walk back to point A then perform 10 overhead squats.
  • Change your grip to a Zercher hold and walk back to point B then perform 10 forward lunges with each leg.
  • Stick with the Zercher carry and go back to point A and perform log shouldering for 10 reps each side. 

This is best performed for a set period i.e. three rounds of 5 minutes. This is a type of time under tension routine, which is fantastic for boosting your general physical preparation (GPP). 


Finally, we’re going onto stone lifts. Stones have been used by strongmen for centuries, even when we used to wear furry underpants and live in caves. I know this because Ian Freeman told me that is how he trained as a nipper! There are two famous stones in Scotland, the “Dinnie Steens”, named after Donald Dinnie, a famous Scottish strongman and wrestler. The combined weight is approximately 785lbs! Dinnie is reported to have carried these farmer’s walk style over a small bridge nearby.

Many strongmen still make a pilgrimage of sorts to the resting place of the stones and try to replicate the lift. Not for me though, I make do with the unusual stones that I dug up from the back garden. Then I pretend that I’m Dinnie or Marius Pudzienowski and perform all manner of exercises with the stones. I’m kidding of course but you get the picture.

Smaller stones are useful for one-arm presses, bent presses, Turkish get-ups, etc, whereas the larger ones can be used for performing two-arm drills, carries, squats, lunges, presses, cleans etc. All you need beyond this is a Met-Rx vest and lots of chalk on your arms and chest and you’re good to go! Atlas stones here I come!  

So there you have it, a very brief and by no means exhaustive introduction 

into old school odd object training. Until next time, take care. 
