Issue 001
March 2005
Most newcomers to muscle sports want to know how to pack on muscle mass quickly. Some guys want to pack on muscle while staying lean; others don’t care about a bit of excess fat. However, on a power-to-weight ratio, it’s better to stay fairly lean, and let’s face it, you look bigger and more powerful too! So when I refer to gaining weight I mean quality weight — lean muscle mass and not much body fat.
Supplements are great, but you only need to stick to your basic supplements, like protein and carbohydrate powders and weight gain formulas. Supplements however, are just that, supplements, so never depend on them — and real food can’t be beaten!
The following plan has been written to suit a male who wants to pack on size, but may be easily adapted for women, by merely reducing portion sizes, as women have lower energy and protein requirements. These plans suit anyone who wants to pack on quality muscle efficiently.
The plan is high in protein but also contains varied quality-protein sources, distributed regularly throughout the day. In addition to this you’ll need to drink plenty of fluid — especially water — frequently throughout the day. It’s OK to enjoy a couple of cups of tea or coffee, but not at the expense of more nutritious drinks.
The plan is just an example, so please vary your food choices daily, using your nutrition knowledge and imagination. Have different sandwich fillings. Including some junk food occasionally will do no harm, in fact it will add variety to your regimen and as well as valuable calories — but this must just be occasionally! Remember to eat a balanced healthy diet that is reasonably low in fat and high in fruit and vegetables.
I hope this plan helps you to pack on some muscle. Remember though — you’ll need to train hard, intense and sensibly as well! If you have any questions, please send in your questions!
James Collier runs the popular bodybuilding website www.MuscleTalk.co.uk and is a nutrition consultant. You can get his ebook Informed Bodybuilding Nutrition though MuscleTalk or www.bodybuilding-diets.co.uk and he is also available for personalised, tailored nutritional advice online.
By James Collier BSc (Hons) RNutr
Time > Food
Wake 7.30am
7.30am > One scoop whey protein
8am breakfast > Large bowl wholewheat breakfast cereal with 1/3 pint skimmed milk + sugar. Two slices wholemeal bread, toasted + olive oil spread. Portion weight gain drink (see recipe), 100ml orange juice + 1 tblsp olive oil
10.30am > Two tuna sandwiches (four slices wholemeal bread). Fruit
12.30pm > Large chicken breast. Four slices wholemeal bread + olive oil spread. Salad. Low fat yoghurt
3pm > Six oatcakes. Tub cottage cheese. Fruit
5pm > Portion weight gain drink (see recipe)
6.30pm (after training) > Two scoops whey protein + 50g dextrose in water
7.30pm > Lean steak. Two medium jacket potatoes or 200g boiled brown rice. Vegetables. Low fat yoghurt
10pm > Large bowl wholewheat breakfast cereal with 1/3 pint skimmed milk + sugar
11.30pm > One scoop whey protein in 150ml skimmed milk
11.30pm bed
Home-made weight gainer recipe
- 4 tblsp skimmed milk powder
- 2 scoops/40g whey powder
- 1 tblsp flaxseed/rapeseed/olive oil
- 1 banana or cup of mixed berries
- Pint skimmed milk
What to do: Blend all ingredients until smooth.