Issue 006
August 2005
FO: Can you tell FO a little about yourself?
LN: Bubbly person, I working in a museum and do some freelance theatre and costume design. I have one sister and have been married to my husband, Kieron, who is my manager and agent, for six years.
FO: What do you do outside the ring?
LN: I am too busy training to do anything else. For work I have to do fencing. I am practicing the rapier and quite enjoying it, it’s cool and I’m pretty good at it.
FO: Why did you start fighting?
LN: Before I never like sports and wasn’t very good at it at school and didn’t do any there. I started self defence classes and did Ikedo for 18 months and obtained my orange belt. It wasn’t competitive enough for me, it was quite repetitive and needed to be able to think on my feet and act instinctively. That’s when I went to another gym and was introduced to grappling.
FO: How long have you been fighting?
LN: 18 months. I started at the beginning of 2004.
FO: What do your friends and family think of you being involved in this sport?
LN: Well, my parents know that I am doing it. They don’t come and watch though; I think my mam would jump into the ring to help me. My sister knows but get the impression they would prefer it if I wasn’t doing it but they do trust me. Kieron supports me all the way. My in-laws have all been to watch me.
FO: What sort of training do you do?
LN: I do kick boxing twice a week, Gi and NoGi twice a week and alternate Saturdays and I run whenever I can.
FO: What are your views on women in MMA
LN: There aren’t enough women in the sport in the UK, especially at my weight. I do believe that this will improve with more exposure to the sport taking place at the moment. People can see MMA on TV, such as Men and Motors and this has to be good – it will get people interested and hopefully new people into the sport.
FO: Where do you think your career in MMA will go?
LN: I’ve had one semi-pro bout. I think that I’ll still do amateur and semi-pro for at least another year. Depending on how I fair I’ll then consider turning professional. Although I lost in my semi-pro bout against Shireen Fullerton, she was 10kgs heavier than me and it went to a very close decision, so I haven’t been put off at all; it’s made me more resolute to do better – watch this space.
Name: Lisa Newton
Date of Birth: 7/8/80
Height: 5’ 1
Weight: 51.6kgs
Nickname: n/a
Place of birth: Hartlepool
Lives: Hartlepool
Occupation: Museum Assistant at Hartlepool Maritime Experience
Club: CCA in Hartlepool and Gracie Barra in Newcastle
Coach: John Dawson and Dave Ellliot
Titles: none yet, but watch this space
Amateur record: 0-4-0
Length of time doing MMA: Started in April 2004.
Favourite fighter: Jens Pulver