Issue 178
May 2019
As tough as anyone in the sport, Robbie Lawler is a seasoned fighter who remains at the top of the game and retains a flawless temperament. This Money Shot shows the burden he had to carry due to an unfortunate mistake by the normally irreproachable referee, Herb Dean that cost Lawler his recent fight against Ben Askren. Not only does Lawler have the heart of a lion, he also has the compassion of a saint, choosing not to rage over the injustice of Dean stopping the UFC 235 fight prematurely when Lawler had just given the thumbs up, but actually consoling the referee whose decision would have hurt not only his record but also his pay check. Fighting ain’t easy, and neither is adjudicating, but the respect and professionalism shown by Lawler is a lesson to every competitor, no matter what the sport. A rematch is the least he deserves.