Renzo Gracie is viewed as one of the greatest BJJ artists ever, and an inspiration to many. He does us the honor of passing on his skills and wisdom.

Standing Americana counter

1: Ali (blue T-shirt) throws a straight right hand at Renzo (black T-shirt). Renzo slips inside the punch to his left.

2: Renzo brings his left arm up and begins to counter the incoming strike.

3: Renzo extends his left arm over Ali’s right striking arm, capturing it underneath.

4: Renzo loops his left elbow over the top of Ali’s arm and grips palm to palm.

5: Renzo begins to torque in and up on the elbow, creating a ‘standing americana’ submission hold. The leverage is applied to Ali’s rotating shoulder joint, the same as a regular americana.

6: Renzo now rotates his body to the right and lifts up on the lock, forcing a tap. 
