Join Wanderlei Silva and Rafael Cordeiro and learn their adaptation of Muay Thai for MMA. Wanderlei shows you how to slip the jab with a sly left head kick.

Left head-kick jab counter

1. Squaring off against Rafael, Wanderlei finds his distance. Notice that Wanderlei starts in an orthodox (right-handed) stance with his left leg leading. 

2. Wanderlei slips outside a searching jab from Rafael while changing base, planting his right foot forward and slightly to the right of Rafael.

3. Wanderlei begins to shift his weight onto his right foot.

4. As Wanderlei’s weight shifts onto his right foot, his body level drops slightly and his right leg bends, ready to extend and drive his power through for the left kick.

5. Wanderlei extends his right leg and begins to throw a left kick towards Rafael’s head.

6. Wanderlei connects with the left kick to Rafael’s head with his shin.
