Issue 149
December 2016
Ricky Lundell, the BJJ black belt and wrestling prodigy presents his MMA wall-work masterclass with Dan Hardy
Learn a patented Lundell technique that no one in your gym will ever see coming.
1 - Ricky is in a dominant position against the wall with an underhook and control of Dan’s right arm.
2 - Dan’s whizzer prevents Ricky from getting a double-leg takedown against the wall, so Ricky steps forward with his right foot.
3 - As he drops down onto his left knee, Ricky kicks the wall with his left foot between Dan’s legs.
4 - Ricky reaches back and hooks the back of Dan’s left leg behind the knee with his left arm.
5 - Keeping a tight hold on Dan’s leg, Ricky rolls over his left shoulder.
6 - To stop the momentum of the roll, Ricky plants his foot on the mat.
7 - Ricky pushes Dan’s chin away, then drives forward with his hips and until he’s onto his knees and can establish a secure and dominant cross-body position.
When you roll, always go over on your shoulder, not your neck.
When you have a whizzer against the wall, look for an underhook with your other arm. This will help you turn your opponent.
Pushing your opponent’s chin up significantly restricts their mobility.