Greg Jackson is the most sought-after trainer in MMA.
His New Mexico gym boasts a UFC win-rate of over 80%. He’ll teach you how to mix up your martial arts skills.
Arm Extraction to Braced Knee
1. Greg (left) and Wade start in the 50/50 clinch – one overhook and underhook each.
2. Greg begins to reach across Wade’s stomach while securing a right arm overhook.
3. (Reverse angle) Using the overhooked right arm, Greg extends it to put pressure against both of Wade’s hips.
4. As Greg pushes forward with his right arm against Wade’s hips, he pulls back with his left arm, extracting it from Wade’s overhook.
5. Same technique as step four from an alternative angle.
6. Continuing from the reverse angle, Greg uses his left arm and creates a frame on Wade’s neck.
7. Greg steps back with his left leg and chambers.
8. Greg delivers a left knee to Wade’s ribs.