Issue 168
June 2018
Set your opponent up for a lateral drop with a killer strike from the clinch.
Greg Jackson, MMA’s most in-demand coach demonstrates the best techniques for the cage, aided by his coaching partner Mike Winkeljohn.
Credit: Tom Bear
1) In an over-under clinch, Greg shifts Mike's weight to one side by hiking his arm up on the underhook.
Credit: Tom Bear
2) Capitalizing on the leverage he has given himself, Greg thrusts his knee into Mike's gut to break his posture.
Credit: Tom Bear
3) Greg puts his foot back down between Mike's legs and locks his hands behind Mike's back.
Credit: Tom Bear
4) Greg steps around with his other leg, behind Mike's, and pulls his hips into him, giving him the leverage to execute a lateral drop.
Be quick with your knee so your opponent doesn’t get the chance to catch your leg and take you down.
By stepping across your opponent in step one, you’ll create an angle that makes it easier to shift your opponent.
When you knee, pull your opponent towards you to up the impact and help break their posture.