Issue 168
June 2018
How to clear the clinch to shoot a double-leg takedown.
Kenny Johnson: Wrestling techniques from the coach of more than a dozen MMA champions - with UFC bantamweight Pedro Munhoz.
1 - In the over-under clinch position, Kenny has his left hand in the crux of Pedro’s right elbow and a right-arm underhook.
2 - Kenny frees himself from the clinch by pulling his right arm out, but he keeps his left hand in position to maintain some control.
3 - Kenny changes levels and pushes Pedro’s arm inside. He then drives forward o his left leg into Pedro’s right hip.
4 - Now deep into the shot, Kenny clasps his hands behind Pedro’s legs, puts his right knee in between his legs and shoots forward.
- As you separate from your opponent, there may also be an opportunity to strike as their guard is down.
- Make sure the hand on your underhook is firmly on your opponent’s back to keep control.
- It’s important not to let your opponent re- establish an underhook, which is key for their takedown defense.