It was another good week for the coach Claudia Gadhela and her team of fighters on this week’s episode of The Ultimate Fighter. In her weekly FO blog, Team Claudia strawweight Lanchana Green gives us the inside-scoop.

So this week it was the girls’ turn to fight. I didn’t know an awful lot about JJ Aldrich other than she was half Irish… and only 22! Tatiana Suarez was on my team so over the course of the show I got to know her a lot more, which was cool.

In fact, everyone in the house was great. We were all beginning to think the show was going to be boring as there was no conflict between any of us. But it turned out the coaches were at each other’s throats enough for all of us.

Following Cory’s win, a donut eating challenge had been arranged whereby himself and Khalil had to eat 12 donuts in the quickest time. It’s safe to say Khalil nailed this victory. The forfeit meant Cory had to have a makeover done by Amanda Cooper.

Some people found this hilarious and some found it quite disturbing. What you guys at home missed though was his amazing strut as he entered the front room downstairs – it was definitely catwalk material.

There was also a surprise from Dana White when he brought in the video game Doom for everyone to play on. However, you didn’t see me in this scene for two reasons: Firstly, I’m not overly fussed about video games and I’m sure there were people in the house who would much rather have a turn than me; secondly, it arrived at 10pm at night – way passed my bedtime.

I was starting to get a reputation for being the granny on our team. I was the first one up at 7.20am, I would put the coffee pot on, have breakfast and prep my lunch for the day. Then on returning from the first training session I would eat then have myself a little siesta in the sun on my balcony before session number two.

Then later, I’d be the first one to bed at 10pm. And this was pretty much my routine throughout the show. It sounds terribly boring I know, but it worked for me. Don’t worry, I did do some interaction though, I wasn’t a total hermit.

When it came to fight day our team were still in high spirits from Cory’s win and we were sure Tatiana was going to do the same. Sure enough she got the win with some big takedowns, ground ‘n’ pound and finally sinking in the rear naked choke.

By Tatiana’s fight we had begun to do a celebratory dance in the changing rooms after. Whoever won would dance with one of the coaches whilst we all clapped and cheered, it was brilliant. I was loving our coaches, our team and the whole vibe that carried with us. I was super happy to be on Team Claudia.

The next pick was announced and Andrew Sanchez, from our team, would face Myron Dennis from the red team. I know Myron has a kickboxing background and stopped his opponent in the elimination fights, whilst Andrew comes from a wrestling background, so this was another classic striker vs. wrestler match-up, but you guys will have to tune in next week to find out the outcome.