Issue 165
March 2018
Shift from the clinch to a knee-tap takedown in an instant.
Trainer: Kenny Johnson teaches wrestling techniques from more than a dozen MMA champions with UFC bantamweight Pedro Munhoz.
1 - Kenny begins by controlling Pedro in the clinch using an underhook with his right arm and his left hand in the pit of Pedro’s right elbow.
2 - As Pedro tries to reclaim the advantage by swimming his left arm in for the underhook, Kenny gets his cue to attack.
3 - Kenny shoots his right arm up to throw Pedro o -balance. At the same time, he reaches behind Pedro’s knee with his left hand.
4 - Kenny drives forward o his rear leg and pulls Pedro’s right leg towards him at the same time to take him down.
- Don’t go for the knee tap if your opponent’s leg is out of reach in orthodox stance on the far side
- If the right leg isn’t there for the knee tap, you can attack the left for a single-leg takedown olympian make sure not to step behind your opponent as you shift their weight. a skilled grappler can use an overhook to toss you over their hip if they remain upright