Issue 133

October 2015

Submit a stronger opponent with a simple but effective technique.

Trainer: Ricky Lundell, the BJJ black belt and NCAA Division I wrestling prodigy presents his MMA leglock masterclass with UFC heavyweight Frank Mir.

Credit: Tom Bear

1) Ricky has side control on Frank’s right, keeping him down on the mat by using a crossface position. 

Credit: Tom Bear

2) While maintaining as much control as possible, Ricky reaches over to catch Frank’s toe with his right hand. 

Credit: Tom Bear

3) Ricky bends his arm to pull Frank’s foot towards him in a position where he can attack it more effectively. 

Credit: Tom Bear

4) Now Ricky can reach over, grab the foot with his other hand, pull his elbows in and crank on the hip, knee and ankle. 



Make sure your opponent doesn’t sit up into a position to take your back as you reach over


This move can be done on someone with a strength advantage, as you’re using both arms against one leg


You can spot an opportunity to reach for this submission when someone goes to elbow escape and moves their foot closer to you
