Issue 166

April 2018

…you’ll get in a phenomenal workout to build power and cardiofor a fight

It would be a surprise to see old photos from the docks featuring fat sailors or longshoremen. These guys must have been the equivalent of industrial given the amount of heavy ropes they were shifting all day long. They’re unstable pieces of equipment that take skill to handle, which makes them perfect for strength training.

If you’ve not used one before, you may not realize just how heavy they can be. A 50ft rope can weigh in excess of 100lb, but don’t let that put you off as they’re perfect for varying levels of strength and experience. When you want a harder workout, you just have to work harder.

And that’s not all, as there are many more benefits to using ropes for a workout:

  • Increased grip strength for grappling
  • A full-body workout
  • Increased cardiovascular output
  • Honing mental toughness
  • Functional moves

This last point is the best news. You’ll be standing and doing movements you might do in a fight, while trying to maintain balance with the ropes – highly functional for mixed martial artists.


Do each exercise for 30-60 seconds, depending on your ability, to complete a round. Take a minute’s rest between rounds. Do three to five rounds in total.


With your knees slightly bent and ropes held at arm’s length in front of you, engage your core and alternate raising and lowering the ropes explosively.


Start in the same position as before, then bring both arms up to shoulder level at the same time before slamming them on the ground with your whole body behind it.


Hold the ropes with an overhand grip and swing them in opposite circular motions out in front of you.


Simply start jumping jacks with an end of the rope in each hand. Try and keep the ropes out to the side.


Similar to alternating waves, except this time alternate moving the ropes from side to side.


Grip the ropes in front of you, then throw both arms up towards one shoulder as you turn your feet and hips in the opposite direction.


Holding the ropes in front of you, lunge forward and raise your arms to the sides, then return to standing position. Repeat on the other leg.


Unfortunately, just as nightmarish as it sounds. Do one jumping jack as before, then drop into a sprawl. Get straight back up and repeat.
