Issue 199
August 2023
You already know Gillian Robertson as the crimson-haired submission queen of the UFC. But what makes her tick when she’s away from the cage? Kyle Dimond chatted to “The Savage” to find out.
What TV shows are you into?
Honestly, right now I'm into something that I feel like everyone was into a while ago, I've just been watching Survivor in my spare time.
Would you recommend it to other people?
It's huge in the US, I think they're on their 44th season now (!) but I just started watching it this year so I'm a bit behind on it!
Credit: UFC/Getty Images
Do you keep up with any other sport?
I keep up with the UFC, and that's about it!
Does it matter who is fighting or do you tune in for each event?
I’m a fight fan. I love the sport and I love watching it, so it doesn't matter who is fighting, I just like to study.
Credit: UFC/Getty Images
Are you much of a car person?
I'm not really a car person at all. If it can get me to the gym and take me home, that's all I need!
One thing people will know you’re big on is dogs, is it just the one that you have?
I just have the one dog, he's fourteen years old so he's an old man and he just hangs out. He's a pit-mix but they're all very similar, so he's just in that general pitbull category.
Credit: @savage_ufc/Instagram
When it comes to music, do you have a signature walk-out song?
I do have a regular walk-out song, I always walk out to "P.I.M.P." by 50 Cent. When you're walking out, as soon as you hear that first drop in the song, it just hits you hard and you're like, "Alright! Let's go!" I just love it, it gets me into the moment.
Do you listen to a lot of music in day-to-day life?
I do like music a lot, but I'm not into specific genres or artists or things like that. I like everything and really whatever they play at the gym is usually what I'm listening to.
Are you into fashion?
I'm not really that into fashion. I'm always training, so I mostly just wear stuff for the gym. Typically sports bras, leggings, that's pretty much my fashion style.
Credit: UFC/Getty Images
Do you watch many movies and what was the last one you watched?
I'm very good at falling asleep during movies! They just put "The Hunger Games" on Netflix so me and my boyfriend just watched that a few weeks ago. That's the last movie I watched and I think I still might have fallen asleep during that, as well!
Any other interests or hobbies people might be surprised to learn about?
Honestly, when I'm in camp, fighting consumes so much of my life. I feel like people don't really understand that this is what I do full-time, I'm at the gym for four to five in the morning, I come home and I'm meal-prepping and then I go back to the gym for two hours at night. It's really hard to fit things in around that.