Issue 200

December 2023

UFC lightweight contender Drew Dober has made a name for himself inside the Octagon for his high-octane performances, his penchant for finishing fights, and his upbeat personality. But did you know he's also a new dad who loves sappy country music and feasting on BBQ after fights? Emma Bramford catches up with him to find out more.

You’ve recently become a new dad to baby Sonya (congratulations to you and your wife, Hollis). What would you say has been the most significant change in your lifestyle you've had to adapt to so quickly?

The biggest significant change is balance. Having Sonya was humbling because it has to be quality work when I go to the gym. After all, I can't waste my time anymore. Sonya does give me a break between training sessions after training sessions to have a mental reset, so Sonya has humbled my training and given me extreme balance.

Have you had (if any) days/nights away from baby Sonya or your wife?

Yes, I've had days away from Sonya. My last fight camp/fight week was away from Sonya. It’s heartbreaking being away from her for an extended period. Unfortunately, this is the job I chose, so I can't take her to all my events, but um, gosh, you can only miss a person so much. It's super intense.

How different was your last fight camp for the Ricky Glenn fight?

I think the most significant difference in this camp with Sonya is that I always thought that, when Hollis was pregnant, I felt like it was going to be a motivation and just kind of like an extra mouth to feed now like I'm fighting for Sonya. Then, when Sonya came out, I was training for Ricky Glenn, and I realized that they don't care, my wife doesn't care, my baby doesn't care. I'm fighting for myself, so everything I'm doing in camp and everything I'm doing in the cage, I have to live with, and it's for me. Hence, it was kind of selfishly humbling to realize that everything I do in that Octagon, I'm doing for myself, and I have to live with the result. 

Zuffa LLC

Since becoming a dad, how would you define your fighting career from now on?

Becoming a dad has changed my life quite a bit, like everything in life. Still, I think the significant change for me is kind of like a reminder that everything that I have today is something that I have dreamt about since I was 14 years old, and so not only that excitement that I'm living the dream that I always had in my mind. But I’m still hungry, I’m still passionate, still excited to reach for the stars and land on the cloud. I'm around the cloud (but) I'm still reaching for those stars. 

What TV shows are you into right now?

Stand-up comedy

What's your all-time favorite show to watch?

The Office – US version, and It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia

Give us your all-time top five movies to take to a desert island

Fight Club, The Matrix, Superbad, Mulan, and The Longest Ride.

Do you watch other sports? What are you into?

No, I don't. I don't really watch team sports. If I were to watch other sports, it would be other combat sports: boxing, wrestling, jiu-jitsu, and The Olympics – individual sports.

What are you driving these days?

Honda Senatra Hybrid

What was your first car?

Buick Park Avenue – but there's an incredible story behind it. I had just won a fight and bought The Buick for $500 off the lot. I made it 20 minutes before it spontaneously combusted into flames, the car stalled out, I popped the hood, and then flames came out; fast forward 10 mins, and the fire department was spraying down my car – I went back to the dealership and was able to exchange to the Buick Park Avenue. It was a boat on wheels!

What's your dream car/motorcycle?

That's a depressing answer, as I don't think I have one!

Tell us about your walkout music

When I started my career, I felt walkout songs were ridiculous, like WWE, and why are people getting so excited? I made a joke to play the most ridiculous walkout songs. I decided it was funny: "Pony" by Ginuwine, "I Wanna Sex You Up" by Color Me Badd, a Backstreet Boys song. Even in the UFC, I walked out to "Ain't No Other Man" by Christina Aguilera! I love 90s R&B, so I walk out to "This Is How We Do It" by Montell Jordan. It creates that vibe, like "We're here to have fun!" – I ain't changing anytime soon.

Zuffa LLC

Do you have a playlist you listen to when you're warming up? What's on it?

I listen to R&B, Usher, and Chris Brown's fun dance music that you will hear at the club because when I go out to fight, we're having a fun time. The list goes from R&B to dance music... You've put me on the spot, and I couldn't think of individual songs!

What sort of stuff do you listen to when you're at home chilling out?

Same thing – my playlist doesn't change much from fight time to relax time. I'll listen to more of the calming R&B somewhere at home as the music gets toned down (energy-wise).

What's your guilty pleasure when it comes to music or movies?

I don't feel like it's a guilty pleasure, but I'm sappy, so when it comes to music, I'm really into love songs. The love songs they play at weddings, and the only country music I will listen to is sappy country wedding songs. As for movies, my wife and I were making a joke while flying to Europe. My wife was watching an action movie, and I was watching a romantic film.

Are you a gamer? What games do you play?

Yes, I am a gamer playing simulation or RPG games. I play the nerdiest of games like "My Time at Sandrock." I need to play games where I can press pause and take time to look after my daughter.

Do you have any surprising hobbies or interests?

Cooking, dancing and video games, however, having recently done activities with the military in association with the UFC, I like to get out of my "box" (comfort zone) and would love to do more of those things.

What's your perfect pre-fight meal?

I don't truthfully eat much the day of the fight, so in the morning, I'd do a yoghurt and a parfait for breakfast, and then generally, I don't eat until after the fight.

What's your perfect post-fight meal?

BBQ, steakhouse, or burgers – a grotesque amount of meat! I eat like a caveman, so I eat myself sick after a fight!
