Issue 177
April 2019
Utilize a slick position switch to move from north-south control to tap your opponent with an inescapable armbar
Vinny Magalhaes
Four-time world BJJ champion, 205lb fighter and instructor at Syndicate MMA in Las Vegas reveals his best fight tips with Scott Kaplan
1 Vinny is in the north-south position with his left arm above Scott’s left shoulder and right arm below Scott’s right arm. Vinny is heavy on Scott’s chest to keep him in position.
2 Vinny wraps his right arm around Scott’s. He grabs the back of Scott’s collar for extra control, but he could still hook the arm effectively if he’s not wearing a gi.
3 Vinny steps his right knee up to Scott’s hip. He can also grab Scott’s pants for extra control. For no-gi grappling and MMA, try to control the leg with your hand.
4 (Reverse angle) Vinny is able to control Scott’s posture with his knee across his hip.
5 Vinny hooks Scott’s right leg with his right hand and starts to push his face to the mat with his left.
6 Holding position with every other limb, Vinny steps over Scott’s head with his left leg to get into position to finish.
7 Keeping hold of Scott’s leg, Vinny falls to the mat, pinches his knees together and pushes out with his hips to finish the armbar.
8 If your opponent is able to twist his arm to relieve some pressure, grab his wrist to finish the armbar the traditional way.
White Belt
Don’t cross your feet when you apply an armbar. It makes it easier for your opponent to throw his weight on top of you. Keep both your heels on the mat.
Purple Belt
When in the position shown in step four, keep your elbow tucked to your side to ensure there’s no space for your opponent to pull his arm out.
Black belt
Hooking the leg (step 5) should prevent your opponent from rolling onto his knees. If he tries to do this, force his head to the mat with your leg, which should also break his grip.