Issue 143
July 2016
Put your opponent on the back foot to land a finishing blow
Rafael Cordeiro
World MMA Awards ‘Coach of the Year’ from Kings MMA in California, teaches you masterful Muay Thai with Fernando Bettega
1 - Rafael throws a jab at Fernando, which is blocked.
2 - Fernando blocks Rafael’s follow-up right cross too.
3 - Rafael’s throws a left kick but Fernando catches it under his arm.
4 - Fernando lifts Rafael’s leg and puts his left hand on his head.
5 - Fernando pushes Rafael backward while he pulls his head down, then releases his leg and walks forward.
6 - Now Fernando is in southpaw stance and at the perfect range to throw a left high kick.
Come onto your toes on your planted foot when you kick for added mobility.
Using trips to put your opponent off balance is a great way to set up a devastating strike.
Block a left high kick by keeping your right hand tight to your temple and covering your forearm with your left hand. Lean in to the strike and catch your opponent’s shin on your palm to reduce the impact.