Issue 143
July 2016
Opponent stopping your armbar attempt? Switch things up to make them tap to an omoplata
Vinny Magalhaes
Four-time world BJJ champion, 205lb fighter and instructor at Syndicate MMA in Las Vegas reveals his best fight tips with Scott Kaplan
1 - Vinny opens his guard, swings his hips and attempts an armbar.
2 - Scott stacks Vinny, staying heavy on his hips to stop the submission.
3 - Scott pulls his right arm out of danger, but Vinny keeps a hold of his left sleeve so he can’t escape completely.
4 - Vinny pushes Scott’s arm towards his left hip and grabs Scott’s belt for extra control.
5 - Keeping a hold of his grips, Vinny kicks his legs to his right side, until his feet are planted on the mat.
6 - Vinny grabs Scott’s far hip with his left arm, crosses his feet and sits up.
7 - Vinny grabs Scott’s wrist and kicks his legs beneath himself while shuffling to his right.
8 - Now flat on his stomach, Scott has nowhere to go. Vinny drives his hips forward to get the tap.
When you roll in a gi, grab your opponent’s sleeves and lapel to get more leverage and options for submissions.
Grip your hands together beneath your opponent’s far shoulder for added pressure when applying the omoplata.
Immediately roll as you start to notice your opponent’s omoplata. Whilst inverted, you can catch your opponent’s arm between your legs to finish in position for your own omoplata!
Ben Saunders’ World MMA Awards ‘Submission of the Year’ on Chris Heatherly in 2014 was the only time an omoplata has been pulled off in the UFC. The BJJ black belt transitioned to the move from rubber guard.