Issue 143
July 2016
Defend a single-leg to sink in a reverse sankaku – judo’s triangle choke
Jimmy Pedro Jr
The US Olympic coach and 6th degree black belt shows you, along with Aaron Kunuhiro, judo techniques that work for MMA
1 - Aaron shoots for a single-leg takedown on Jimmy’s lead leg to try and put him on his back.
2 - Jimmy stops the takedown by sprawling and prevents Aaron from driving forward by using a whizzer with his left arm.
3 - Aaron will be grabbing Jimmy’s leg with both hands, so Jimmy steps his right foot behind Aaron’s left elbow.
4 - Jimmy leans to his left side to pull Aaron and uses his right foot to drag Aaron’s elbow over his left leg.
5 - Jimmy uses his right hand to pull his left foot underneath his right knee and triangle his legs.
6 - Jimmy grabs Aaron’s hip with his right hand, posts on his left and pushes off the mat.
7 - By turning onto his knees, Kimmy stretches Aaron out so he’s flat on the mat and the choke is locked on.
8 - To finish the choke, Jimmy drops to his right hip, squeezes his legs and pulls on Aaron’s trapped arm.
A whizzer is a deep overhook used to put pressure on your opponent’s shoulder. It’s used for control, but can also set up many throws, pins and submissions.
If you can feel your opponent slipping out of a submission, make it your priority to finish in top position or get back to your feet.
You can also attack your opponent’s arm in step 8 by grabbing their wrist and driving it forward against your leg.