Issue 141

May 2016

Counter a power push kick and put your opponent on their back

Rafael Cordeiro

Head coach at Kings MMA in Huntington Beach, California, teaches you masterful Muay Thai with Fernando Bettega

Credit: Tom Bear

1.    Rafael throws a jab at Fernando to gauge distance.

2.    He then follows up with a cross to invite Fernando to counter.

3.    Rafael steps to his left as Fernando throws a rear-leg push kick

4.    By dipping his knees, Rafael is able to catch Fernando’s kick with his right arm, in the pit of his elbow.

5.    Rafael stands up and lifts Fernando’s calf onto his shoulder, which compromises his balance.

6.    By pivoting on his left leg, Rafael is able to twist his hips forward and hook his right leg behind Fernando’s left calf.

7.    Rafael continues to drive forward and sweeps Fernando’s leg to put him on the mat.

top tips


A jab can measure the distance between you and your opponent. Look to put a combination together if they’re within reach, but be wary of their counter strikes.


Don’t give your opponent a chance to get comfortable on their back. Immediately look to pass guard to keep them on the back foot.


As an orthodox fighter, step to your left to catch your opponent’s rear push kick. If your opponent uses his lead leg, step to your right to catch it.

